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Walk on Water

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High Improver
Åsa Gustafsson (SWE) - August 2020
Walk on Water - LIAMOO
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Counts in: 4

Step change with restart: wall 3 (12.00) after count 58 and the step back on L, kick on R. Do Rock back on R, step fwd on L instead of stepping back on R and kick with L

Tags with restart:2
Wall 1: 12.00 after count 44 the rockingchair.
Wall 2: 06.00 at the end of the wall

Tag: 16 counts
1&2,3,4 R kick &2: out out. 3,4: Hold, hold.
5&6,7,8 L kick &6:out out. 7,8: Hold hold.
1&2,3,4 Cross R over L &2: out out. 3,4:Hold, hold.
5&6,7,8 Cross L over R &6: out out. 7,8: Hold, hold

Ending: Wall 4 at the end of the dance 06.00
1.2 Step turn step. (Step fwd on R, turn L stepping fwd on R 12.00)
[1-8]: V-step, walk fwd, kick
1-4 Step R out to R diagonal, step L out to L diagonal. Step R back, step L back
7-8 Walk fwd on R,L,R . Kick L fwd

[9-16]: Walk back, monterey turn ¼ R
1-4 Walk back L,R,L. Touch R toe beside L
5-8 Touch R to R, ¼ turn R (03.00) step R next to L. Point L to L, Step L next to R

[17-24]: Monterey turn ¼ R, vine R with a ½ turn R
1-4 Touch R to R, ¼ turn R (06.00) step R next to L. Point L to L, step L next to R
5-8 Step R to R, L behind R, turn ¼ R, stepping fwd on R (09.00), turn ¼ R step L to L (12.00)

[25-32]: R Kick ball step X2. R cross rock, ¾ turn R
1&2, 3&4 Kick R slightly over L, step R next to L, step L fwd X2
5-6 Cross R over L, step back on L
7-8 Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (03.00) ½ turn R stepping back on L (09.00)

[33-40]: Toe struts X2, Paddel ¼ X2 L
1-4 Step R toe slighty out to R, step down on R. Step L toe slightly out to L, step down on L
5-8 Step R to R, turning ¼ L (06.00). Step R to R, turning ¼ L (03.00)

[41-48]: To the R corner (01.30) R rocking chair R shuffle, L rock step
1-4 (01.30)Step R fwd , step on L, step back on R, step fwd on L (Tag wall 1. 12.00 and restart)
5&6 Step R fwd , L next to R, R fwd
7-8 Step fwd on L, back on R

[49-56]: (01.30) L toe strut back. ½ turn R to the R corner (7.30) R toe strut fwd.
L cross rock, side rock (06.00)
1-4 Step L toe back, step down on L, turn ½ R stepping R toe fwd, step down on R.
5-8 Step L over R, step on R, step L to L (06.00) step on R

[57-64]: walk back and kick X2, L coaster step, R kick ball step
1-2 Step back on L kicking R fwd,
(step change wall 3 (12.00): Step back on R, step fwd on L and restart.)
3-4Step back on R kicking L fwd
5&6 Step back on L, R beside L, L fwd
7&8 Kick R fwd, step on R & L beside R, L fwd (Tag Wall 2. 06.00)
Wall 4 Ending: stepturn step to the front.

End of dance, hope you like it.
The song is done for BRIS =Children´s rights in soceiety

I don`t own the rights to this music.
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