CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Can't Be Bothered

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Jo Boocock (NZ) & Bex Roper (NZ) - April 2020
I Can't Be Bothered - Miranda Lambert
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Rocking Chair with attitude!
1-2-3-4R step forward, Hold, R step back, looking back over right shoulder, hold
5-6-7-8R step forward, Hold, R step back, looking back over right shoulder, hold (with finger clicks)

Two 1/8th pivots left, cross point, cross point
1-2-3-4R step forward into 1/8th pivot left, repeat [9.00]
5-6-7-8Right cross over left, left point left, left cross over right, right point right

Rock, recover, ½ shuffle, rock, recover, coaster step
1-2-3&4Rock forward on Right, recover back on left, turning ½ turn right into forward shuffle on right [3.00]
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, recover back on right, left step back, right beside left, left step forward

Forward rock, side rock, jazz square, hold
1-2-34rock forward on right, recover back on left, rock to the right on right, recover on left
5&6-7-8cross right over left, left step back, right step forward into ¼ turn right, hold [6.00]

Cross toe struts, side rock recover
1-2-3-4left cross over right into toe strut, right step right into toe strut
5-6-7-8left cross over right into toe strut, right rock right, recover on left [6.00]

Cross toe struts into ¼ turn right
1-2-3-4right cross over left into toe strut, left step left into toe strut,
5-6-7-8right cross over left into toe strut, left rock left recover into ¼ turn right on right [9.00]

2 x Cross points, point kick point
1-2-3-4Left cross over right, right point right, right cross over left, left point left
5-6-7-8Left cross over right, right point right, right kick forward, right point right

2 x Behind cross points, unwind, kick ball change
1-2-3-4Right cross behind left, left point left, left cross behind right, right point right
5-6-7-8right cross behind left, unwind ½ turn right, right kick ball change

Finish after first 12 counts with stomp and finger click.

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