CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stop the World (and Let Me Off)

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Marie Pietersz (AUS) - July 2020
Tag and filler hip sway at end of each repeat
Start dance on "…off"
Start with Intro step: R kick ball change at " … world and let me …"

S1: Side steps and cross shuffles x 2
1-4Step R to side, recover on L, cross shuffle R over L, RLR
5-8Step L to side, recover on R, cross shuffle L over R, LRL

S2: Cross shuffles moving forward x 3, step forward, turn ¼ R facing 9.00
9&10 11&12Cross shuffle over L RLR. Cross shuffle over R LRL
13&14 15-16Cross shuffle over L RLR, step forward with L, recover R

S3: Turning ¾ L shuffle, coaster step, kick ball change
17&18 19&20Turn ½ L turning shuffle LRL turn ¼ L shuffle RLR (3.00)
21&22 23&24Step L behind, step R tog, step L forward, kick R, step back on R, touch L tog
Easy version: Turning ¼ L shuffle, coaster step, kick ball change
17&18 19&20Turn ¼ L turning shuffle LRL, shuffle on the spot RLR (9.00)
21&22 23&24Step L behind, step R tog, step L forward, kick R, step back on R, touch L tog

S4: ½ Monterey, reverse ½ Monterey, hip sways
25-28Tap R to side hold, turn ½ R and touch L to side hold (6.00)
29-32Turn ½ L and touch L to side hold (9.00), turn ½ L and touch R to side (3.00)
Easy version: ½ Monterey, reverse ½ Monterey, hip sways
25-28Step R to side hold, turn ½ R and touch L to side hold (6.00)
29-32Step R to side hold, turn ½ R and touch L to side hold (3.00)

Fill-in steps at end of each repeat:
Hip sway RL

Tag after 3 repeats 16 counts:
1-4Step R to side, recover on L, cross shuffle R over L, RLR
5-8Step L to side, recover on R, cross shuffle L over R, LRL

9-12R kick ball change, R kick ball change
13-16Hips sways RLRL

To end in the front when you finish the Monterey facing 3.00, turn ¾ L to face 12.00.

this dance inspired by wanting to get off the COVID merry-go-round.

I do not own the music

FB: Stars-in-Line
Tel: 61 412 296 827

Last Update - 11 Sept/ 2020

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