Intro: 32 counts - No Tags! No Restarts!
S1: Chasse Right, Back Rock, Left Behind, ¼ Turn Left & Fwd
1&2RF side, LF together, RF side
3,4LF rock back, recover to RF
5 6LF side, step behind left foot
7&81/4 turn left LF forward, step left beside right, step LF forward
S2: Toe Strut, Step Turn, Toe Strut, Full Turn
1 2RF touch toes in front, RF take weight
3 4LF forward, ½ turn right on LF and step forward onto RF
5 6LF touch toes in front, LF take weight
7 8½ turn left and step back on RF, ½ turn left and step forward onto LF
S3: 2x Kick-Ball-Step Right, Jazz Box With ¼ Turn And Cross
1&2Kick RF forward, step on ball of RF in the back of LF, step LF forward
3&4Kick RF forward, step on ball of RF in the back of LF, step LF forward
5 6cross RF in front of LF, LF back
7 8¼ turn right and RF side, cross LF in front of RF
S4: R-L Jazz Hip-Jump FOR 3 BEATS 1/4 Right Hook
1 2&R hip jump, at the same time RF step to right side, R hip bump
3 4L hip jump, at the same time LF step to right side, L hip bump
5 7Put the hip bump push 3 times in front of the left foot.
81/4 Right Hook
Repeat And Have Fun!
S1: Chasse Right, Back Rock, Left Behind, ¼ Turn Left & Fwd
1&2RF side, LF together, RF side
3,4LF rock back, recover to RF
5 6LF side, step behind left foot
7&81/4 turn left LF forward, step left beside right, step LF forward
S2: Toe Strut, Step Turn, Toe Strut, Full Turn
1 2RF touch toes in front, RF take weight
3 4LF forward, ½ turn right on LF and step forward onto RF
5 6LF touch toes in front, LF take weight
7 8½ turn left and step back on RF, ½ turn left and step forward onto LF
S3: 2x Kick-Ball-Step Right, Jazz Box With ¼ Turn And Cross
1&2Kick RF forward, step on ball of RF in the back of LF, step LF forward
3&4Kick RF forward, step on ball of RF in the back of LF, step LF forward
5 6cross RF in front of LF, LF back
7 8¼ turn right and RF side, cross LF in front of RF
S4: R-L Jazz Hip-Jump FOR 3 BEATS 1/4 Right Hook
1 2&R hip jump, at the same time RF step to right side, R hip bump
3 4L hip jump, at the same time LF step to right side, L hip bump
5 7Put the hip bump push 3 times in front of the left foot.
81/4 Right Hook
Repeat And Have Fun!