Begin 32 beats after drum intro, with vocals.
[1-8] Rocking chair, mambo, hold
1-4R rock forward, recover L, R rock back, recover L
5-8R rock to R side, recover L, R step beside L, hold
[9-16] Rocking chair, mambo, hold
9-12L rock forward, recover R, L rock back, recover R
13-16L rock to L side, recover R, L step beside R, hold
[17-24] Toe struts, V-step
17-20R toe forward, drop heel, L toe forward, drop heel
21-24R step out, L step out, R step in, L step in
[25-32] 1/4 pivot x2
25-28R step forward, hold, pivot 1/4 L, hold (9:00)
29-32R step forward, hold, pivot 1/4 L, hold (6:00)
[1-8] Rocking chair, mambo, hold
1-4R rock forward, recover L, R rock back, recover L
5-8R rock to R side, recover L, R step beside L, hold
[9-16] Rocking chair, mambo, hold
9-12L rock forward, recover R, L rock back, recover R
13-16L rock to L side, recover R, L step beside R, hold
[17-24] Toe struts, V-step
17-20R toe forward, drop heel, L toe forward, drop heel
21-24R step out, L step out, R step in, L step in
[25-32] 1/4 pivot x2
25-28R step forward, hold, pivot 1/4 L, hold (9:00)
29-32R step forward, hold, pivot 1/4 L, hold (6:00)