Thanks to Steve Lovett for bringing this track to my attention
Count In : 16 counts from start of heavy beat – start at approx 15 secnds into the track
R Mambo Fwd. Lock Step Back. Coaster Step. L Shuffle Fwd
1& 2Rock forward onto R, recover weight onto L, step slightly back R
3&4Step back L, lock R over L, step back L
5&6Step back R, step back L, step forward R
7&8Step forward L, close R at side of L, step forward L
Rumba Box. Walk Back With Sweeps. Rock Back.Recover
1& 2Step R to right side, close L at side of R, step forward R
3&4Step L to left side, close R at side of L, step back L sweeping R clockwise at the same time
5- 6Step back R sweeping L anti-clockwise at the same time, step back L sweeping R clockwise at the same time
7- 8Rock back onto R (lift the L knee if you wish) recover weight forward onto L
Step, Hold ¼ Turn, Hold. Step, Hold ¼ Turn, Hold. Modified Jazz Box With Side Rock, Recover
1- 2Step fwd R, make ¼ turn left (it will feel like you are holding before the turn, as not using the & count) 9 o’clock
3-4Step fwd R, make ¼ turn left (it will feel like you are holding before the turn, as not using the & count) 6 o’clock
5- 6Cross R over L, step back L
7- 8Rock R out to right side as you push the hip at the same time, recover weight onto L
Mambo Cross Rock R then L. Mamo ¼ Turn, Run ½ Turn
1& 2Cross rock R over L, recover, step R to right side
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover, step L to left side
5&6Cross rock R over L, recover, make ¼ turn right stepping fwd R 9 o’clock
7&8Run round a ½ turn right stepping L,R,L 3 o’clock
*** TAG at the end of walls1,4,7 then restart the dance from the beginning ***
Tag Charleston Step. Sailor ¼ turn x3
1-2Touch R toe forward, step back on R
3&4Make ¼ turn left sweeping and stepping L in place, step R at side of L, step L in place
*** Repeat the above 4 counts 3 times to complete the tag, you will have made a ¾ turn altogether ***
Last Update - 17 June 2020
Count In : 16 counts from start of heavy beat – start at approx 15 secnds into the track
R Mambo Fwd. Lock Step Back. Coaster Step. L Shuffle Fwd
1& 2Rock forward onto R, recover weight onto L, step slightly back R
3&4Step back L, lock R over L, step back L
5&6Step back R, step back L, step forward R
7&8Step forward L, close R at side of L, step forward L
Rumba Box. Walk Back With Sweeps. Rock Back.Recover
1& 2Step R to right side, close L at side of R, step forward R
3&4Step L to left side, close R at side of L, step back L sweeping R clockwise at the same time
5- 6Step back R sweeping L anti-clockwise at the same time, step back L sweeping R clockwise at the same time
7- 8Rock back onto R (lift the L knee if you wish) recover weight forward onto L
Step, Hold ¼ Turn, Hold. Step, Hold ¼ Turn, Hold. Modified Jazz Box With Side Rock, Recover
1- 2Step fwd R, make ¼ turn left (it will feel like you are holding before the turn, as not using the & count) 9 o’clock
3-4Step fwd R, make ¼ turn left (it will feel like you are holding before the turn, as not using the & count) 6 o’clock
5- 6Cross R over L, step back L
7- 8Rock R out to right side as you push the hip at the same time, recover weight onto L
Mambo Cross Rock R then L. Mamo ¼ Turn, Run ½ Turn
1& 2Cross rock R over L, recover, step R to right side
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover, step L to left side
5&6Cross rock R over L, recover, make ¼ turn right stepping fwd R 9 o’clock
7&8Run round a ½ turn right stepping L,R,L 3 o’clock
*** TAG at the end of walls1,4,7 then restart the dance from the beginning ***
Tag Charleston Step. Sailor ¼ turn x3
1-2Touch R toe forward, step back on R
3&4Make ¼ turn left sweeping and stepping L in place, step R at side of L, step L in place
*** Repeat the above 4 counts 3 times to complete the tag, you will have made a ¾ turn altogether ***
Last Update - 17 June 2020