CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stuck with U

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Gemma Ridyard (UK) - May 2020
Stuck with U - Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber
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R Rock Hitch, sailor x2, behind sweep L, behind side cross rock replace, side
1 2Rock R forward, replace weight to L as you hitch R knee
3&aCross R behind L, step L to L, step R to R
4&aCross L behind R, step R to R, step L to L
5Cross R behind L as you sweep L from front to back
6&7Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross rock L over R
8&Replace weight to R, step L to L

1/8 turn L spiral, forward 1/2 back, back sweep X3, R coaster, spiral L, run, run
1Turn an 1/8 turn L as you step L forward spiralling a full turn L, weight remains on R (10:30)
2&3Step L forward, make a 1/2 turn L stepping R back, step L back sweeping R front to back (5:30)
4 5Step R back sweeping L front to back, step L back sweeping R front to back
6&7Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward as you spiral a full turn L keeping weight on R
8&Step L forward, step R forward

5/8 turn L sweep R, cross 1/4 1/4, cross rock side, back rock, sway, sway
1Step L forward as you sweep R 5/8 turn L (12:00) *Option to reach both arms up over head.
2&3Cross R over L, make a 1/4 turn R step L back, back a 1/4 turn R step R to R
4&5Cross rock L over R, replace weight to R, step L to L
6&7Cross rock R behind L, replace weight to L, step R to R
8&Sway hips L, sway hips R

Side back rock 1/4, step 1/2 step, 3x quarter paddles
12&Big side step L, cross rock R behind L, replace weight to L
3Make a 1/4 turn R step R forward
4&5Step L forward, pivot 1/2 turn R, step L forward
6&7&Make a 1/4 turn L rocking R foot to R, replace weight to L, Make a 1/4 turn L rocking R foot to R, replace weight to L,
8&Make a 1/4 turn L rocking R foot to R, replace weight to L (6.00)

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Happy Dancing, Love Gem XOXO

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