CopperKnob Stepsheets

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More than a Polaroid

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Michelle Wright (USA) - May 2020
Polaroid - Keith Urban
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Section 1: R Back heel swivel, L coaster step, R forward heel swivel, weave left
1&2 Step back on the ball of R, swivel heels forward to L on the balls of both feet, Recover weight on R
3&4 Step back L, step R next to L, step forward on L
5&6 Step forward on ball of R, Swivel heels forward to R on the balls of both feet, recover weight on L
7&8 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross right over L (12 o’clock)

Section 2: Side rock, recover, back toe touch, ¾ unwind, R Step lock step, L mambo step
1,2 Step L to L side, recover weight on R
3,4 Touch L toe behind R, Unwind L ¾ weight on L
5&6 Step R forward, step L behind R, Step forward R
7&8 step L forward, recover weight on R, step back L
(Restart here on 5th rotation facing 3 0’clock)

Section 3: R Back step point, L back step point, sailor step,½ sailor cross
1,2 Step back R, Point L to L side and snap hands at sides
3,4 Step back L, Point R to R side and snap hands at sides
5&6 Step R behind L, step L to L side, Step R to R side
7&8 ¼ turn L Step L behind R, ¼ turn L step R to R side, cross L over R (9 o’clock)

Section 4: 5: R and L syncopated side rock recovers, R side rock recover, weave
1,2& Step R to R side, Recover weight L, Step R next to L
3,4& Step L to L side, Recover weight R, Step L next to R
5,6 Step R to R side, Recover weight on L
7&8 Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L (9 o’clock)

Section 5: L step, R hook ¼ R, R forward shuffle, ¼ Chasse, back rock recover
1,2 Step L to L side, hook R foot over L shin making a ¼ turn R weight on L
3&4 Step forward R, step together L, step forward R
5&6 ¼ turn stepping L to L side, step together R, Step L to L side
7,8 Step R behind L, Recover weight on L (3 o’clock)

Section 6: R step ½ pivot, ½ back R shuffle, full turn, back L lock step
1,2 Step forward R, ½ pivot L weight on L
3&4 ¼ turn stepping R to R side over L, ¼ turn stepping L next to R over L, step back R
5,6 ½ turn stepping L forward over L, ½ turn stepping back R over L
7&8 step L back, step L next to R , step back L (3 o’clock)

End of dance!

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