CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ghost Town

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Mandy Epprecht (CAN) - May 2020
Living In a Ghost Town - The Rolling Stones
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#32 count intro

Walk/Strut Forward, Hitch with 1/8 turn R, Cross Point Fwd and Back
1-4Fwd right, left, right, hitch left with 1/8 turn to R
5-6Cross left over right, point right to side
7-8Cross right behind left, 1/8 turn to L (12:00) , point left to side

¼ Turn R, Chasse Fwd, Cross Chasse ¼ turn R , Mambo
1-2Step back left, fwd right with ¼ turn to R (3:00)
3&4Left fwd, close right to left, left fwd
5&6Right across left, left small step to side, right across left, turning ¼ R (6:00)
7&8Left side, replace weight to right, close left to right

Heel Taps, Walks, Paddle Turn ¼ Left, Cross Chasse
1&2&Right heel tap fwd (1), right closes to left (&), left heel tap fwd (2), left closes to right (&)
3-4walk fwd right, fwd left
5-6fwd right, ¼ turn to left on “and”, step left to side (3:00)
7&8cross right over left, small step left to side, cross right over left

Whisk to Left, Whisk to Right, Fwd and Side taps, Toe Strut Fwd
1,2&left to side, right cross behind left on ball of foot , replace weight to left
3,4&Right to side, left cross behind right on ball of foot, replace weight to right
5,6Tap left foot fwd and across right, tap left foot to side
7,8step left foot fwd, ball of foot, step left foot, whole weight


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