Fwd, Cross, Fwd, Tog, Fwd, Cross, Fwd, Tog
1 2 3 4R heel fwd, R toe cross touch over L, R heel fwd, R tog,
5 6 7 8L heel fwd, L toe cross touch over R, L heel fwd L tog.
Rocking chair, Paddle ¼ turn L, Paddle ¼ turn L
1 2 3 4Rock fwd R, Back on L, Rock back on R, fwd on L (R Rocking Chair)
5 6 7 8Step R fwd, ¼ L Paddle weight on L (9:00), ¼ Paddle weight on L (6:00)
Weave R, L Heel, Weave L, R Heel
1 2 3 4Step R, L behind R, Step R, L heel
5 6 7 8L flat, R behind L, Step L, R Heel
R Lock step, L Scuff, L Lock step, R Toe Touch
1 2 3 4Step R fwd, Lock/step L behind R, Step fwd R, L Scuff,
5 6 7 8Step L fwd, Lock/step R behind L, Step L, Touch R toe next to L (6:00)
Restart : On wall 9 dance up to count 8 ( restart on words after instrumental )
1 2 3 4R heel fwd, R toe cross touch over L, R heel fwd, R tog,
5 6 7 8L heel fwd, L toe cross touch over R, L heel fwd L tog.
Rocking chair, Paddle ¼ turn L, Paddle ¼ turn L
1 2 3 4Rock fwd R, Back on L, Rock back on R, fwd on L (R Rocking Chair)
5 6 7 8Step R fwd, ¼ L Paddle weight on L (9:00), ¼ Paddle weight on L (6:00)
Weave R, L Heel, Weave L, R Heel
1 2 3 4Step R, L behind R, Step R, L heel
5 6 7 8L flat, R behind L, Step L, R Heel
R Lock step, L Scuff, L Lock step, R Toe Touch
1 2 3 4Step R fwd, Lock/step L behind R, Step fwd R, L Scuff,
5 6 7 8Step L fwd, Lock/step R behind L, Step L, Touch R toe next to L (6:00)
Restart : On wall 9 dance up to count 8 ( restart on words after instrumental )