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Rhythm of the Night

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Johnny Montana (USA) - September 2019
When Can I See You Again? - Owl City : (Wreck It Ralph Soundtrack)
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Start after 32 count intro. Can be purchased on Amazon
Teach: “Yeah Boy” by Kelsy Ballerini, 89 BPM.

Walk, Walk, Ball Step, Kick, Jazz Box
1, 2Walk forward right, left.
&3, 4Step onto ball of right foot next to or slightly back of left, step forward onto left foot, kick right foot forward.
5, 6Cross right over left and step, step back onto left foot.
7, 8Step onto right foot to right side, step onto left foot next to right.

Rock, Step, Crossing Shuffle (2X)
9, 10Rock side right onto right foot, recover weight onto left in place.
11 & 12Cross right over left and step, step onto left to left side, cross right over left and step.
13, 14Rock side left onto left foot, recover weight onto right in place.
15 & 16Cross left over right and step, step onto right to right side, cross left over right and step.

Step, Turn, Step, Turn, Forward, Touch(Clap), Forward, Touch(Clap)
17, 18Step forward onto right foot, make a 1/4 turn to left (CCW) and transfer weight to left foot.
19, 20Step forward onto right foot, make a 1/4 turn to left (CCW) and transfer weight to left foot.
21, 22Step forward onto right foot, touch left toe next to right and clap.
23, 24Step forward onto left foot, touch right toe next to left and clap.

Vine Right, Scuff, Vine Left, Scuff
25, 26Step to right side onto right foot, crossing left foot behind right step onto left foot.
27, 28Step to right side onto right foot, scuff left foot..
29, 30Step to left side onto left foot, crossing right foot behind left step onto right foot.
31, 32Step to left side onto left foot, scuff right foot.
Note: These could be rolling vines either direction.

Begin dance again

Tag: The 5th wall will be an 8 count tag:
1, 2Step to right side onto right foot, touch left toe next to right and clap hands high.
3, 4Step to left side onto left foot, touch right toe next to left and clap hands high.
5,6,7,8Repeat 1 thru 4
Restart dance

Ending Option: At the end of the song you will be doing the rock step shuffles facing the starting wall. Instead of going into the step 1/4 turns finish with a jazz box. This happens at the 14th wall if you want to count that high lol.

Prepared by: Johnny Montana - 69 North Street, Johnson City, NY 13790
Phone: 607-725-5223 E-mail:

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