Absolute Beginner
Dedicated to my son Tristan who asked his mum to make a dance to this song.
I love you Tristan, you are my heart!
(1-8) right rockstep, triplestep, left rockstep, triplestep
1,2rock RF to right, recover weight to LF
3&4step RF in place, step LF in place, step RF in place
5,6rock LF to left, recover weight to RF
7&8step LF in place, step RF in place, step LF in place
(9-16) fwd rockstep, triplestep, back rockstep, triplestep
1,2rock RF fwd, recover weight to LF
3&4step RF in place, step LF in place, step RF in place
5,6rock back on LF, recover weight to RF
7&8step LF in place, step RF in place, step LF in place
(17-24) jump fwd ⅛ turn, jump back, jump fwd ⅛ turn, jump back
&1,2jump fwd RF with ⅛ turn to right, hold
&3,4jump back in place LF, hold
&5,6jump fwd RF with ⅛ turn to right, hold
&7,8jump back in place LF, hold
(25-32) backwards full circle paddleturn
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8with weight on LF use the toes on RF to push into a ⅛ turn to right,
repeat for all 8 counts and you will have completed a full circle.
On count the 8 touch RF next to LF to make the start of the dance easier.
Be sure to have you weight on your LF for all 8 counts.
End of dance!
Enjoy, remember to smile, and have fun!
Style it as you wish!
I love you Tristan, you are my heart!
(1-8) right rockstep, triplestep, left rockstep, triplestep
1,2rock RF to right, recover weight to LF
3&4step RF in place, step LF in place, step RF in place
5,6rock LF to left, recover weight to RF
7&8step LF in place, step RF in place, step LF in place
(9-16) fwd rockstep, triplestep, back rockstep, triplestep
1,2rock RF fwd, recover weight to LF
3&4step RF in place, step LF in place, step RF in place
5,6rock back on LF, recover weight to RF
7&8step LF in place, step RF in place, step LF in place
(17-24) jump fwd ⅛ turn, jump back, jump fwd ⅛ turn, jump back
&1,2jump fwd RF with ⅛ turn to right, hold
&3,4jump back in place LF, hold
&5,6jump fwd RF with ⅛ turn to right, hold
&7,8jump back in place LF, hold
(25-32) backwards full circle paddleturn
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8with weight on LF use the toes on RF to push into a ⅛ turn to right,
repeat for all 8 counts and you will have completed a full circle.
On count the 8 touch RF next to LF to make the start of the dance easier.
Be sure to have you weight on your LF for all 8 counts.
End of dance!
Enjoy, remember to smile, and have fun!
Style it as you wish!