#48 count intro – (Viennese waltz tempo)
S1: Step sweep, cross recover turn ¼ R. Rock recover.
1-3Step forward on L. Ronde sweep R from back to front (2 counts)
4-6Cross R over L. Recover L and make a ¼ turn R. Step forward on R (3.00)
7-9Rock forward on L. R toes pointed back (hold 8-9)
10-12Recover R. L toes pointed forwards (hold 11-12)
Restart here on wall 8 (facing 6.00)
S2: Step ½ turn L, step RL. Step back R dragging L. Sway sway
1-3Step forward L and make a ½ turn L stepping RL (9.00)
4-6Step back R dragging L foot to R foot
7-9Step L to L swaying L
10-12Sway R
S3: Step point, step point, ¼ pivot L, rock, drag, back on R hook L
1-3Step forward L. Point R to R (counts 2-3)
4-6Step forward R. Point L to L (counts 4-6)
7-9Pivot ¼ turn L rock forward on L, dragging R to L and rising slightly on toes
10-12Step back on R, dragging L and hooking L across R
S4: Prissy steps, cross side rock x2
1-3Walk forward L crossing slightly over R
4-6Walk forward R crossing slightly over L
7-9Cross rock L over R. Step R to R. Recover L
10-12Cross rock R over L. Step L to L. Recover R
One Restart – On wall 8 (facing 6.00) dance 12 counts of S1, turning ¼ L on count 12 to restart the dance facing 6.00
Ending: On wall 11, dance through the part where the music pauses (lyrics still…got the blues). Complete wall 12 to finish as the music fades (12.00)
S1: Step sweep, cross recover turn ¼ R. Rock recover.
1-3Step forward on L. Ronde sweep R from back to front (2 counts)
4-6Cross R over L. Recover L and make a ¼ turn R. Step forward on R (3.00)
7-9Rock forward on L. R toes pointed back (hold 8-9)
10-12Recover R. L toes pointed forwards (hold 11-12)
Restart here on wall 8 (facing 6.00)
S2: Step ½ turn L, step RL. Step back R dragging L. Sway sway
1-3Step forward L and make a ½ turn L stepping RL (9.00)
4-6Step back R dragging L foot to R foot
7-9Step L to L swaying L
10-12Sway R
S3: Step point, step point, ¼ pivot L, rock, drag, back on R hook L
1-3Step forward L. Point R to R (counts 2-3)
4-6Step forward R. Point L to L (counts 4-6)
7-9Pivot ¼ turn L rock forward on L, dragging R to L and rising slightly on toes
10-12Step back on R, dragging L and hooking L across R
S4: Prissy steps, cross side rock x2
1-3Walk forward L crossing slightly over R
4-6Walk forward R crossing slightly over L
7-9Cross rock L over R. Step R to R. Recover L
10-12Cross rock R over L. Step L to L. Recover R
One Restart – On wall 8 (facing 6.00) dance 12 counts of S1, turning ¼ L on count 12 to restart the dance facing 6.00
Ending: On wall 11, dance through the part where the music pauses (lyrics still…got the blues). Complete wall 12 to finish as the music fades (12.00)