CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Into the Light

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Andrew Hobman (UK) - February 2020
Into The Light - Arlissa
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Intro – 16 counts

S1 (Figure of 8 to face 9 oclock) Side, behind, ¼ turn, step pivot ½ turn step, ¼ turn right, behind, quarter turn left.
1,2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3,4Make quarter turn right stepping forward on right, Step forward on left.
5,6Pivot ½ turn right Step right foot forward, ¼ turn right stepping left to left side
7,8Cross right behind left, ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward

S2 Side rock cross shuffle, side rock ¼ turn right, forward shuffle.
1,2Rock right to right side, recover weight on left
3&4Step right across left, step left to left side then step right across left
5,6Step left making ¼ turn right then step right foot forward.
7&8Step left foot forward, step right beside left, step left foot forward

S3 Rock recover, right shuffle backwards, full turn left in 2 counts into left sailor step
1,2Step forward on right recover weight back on left
3&4Step right behind left, step left beside right, step right behind left
5,6While travelling backwards make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping on left and continue to make another ½ turn over left stepping back on right.
7&8Left sailor step - Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left foot forward.

S4 Cross point, samba step, right jazz box making ¼ turn right
1,2Step right across left and point left to left to left side
3&4Step left across right, step right to right side step left beside right.
5,6Step right across left, step back on left
7,8¼ turn right stepping on right, step left beside right.

Restarts x2-
Wall 6 after 8 counts (after the figure of 8) restart the dance.
Wall 8 after 24 counts (after the left sailor step) restart the dance.

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