Intro – 16 counts (8 seconds) Just before singing starts.
S1: Vine right with touch, vine left with touch (option for rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5,6,7,8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
S2: Cross point, cross point, jazz box with quarter turn right.
1,2Cross right over left and point left to left side
3,4Cross left over right and point right to right side
5,6,7,8Cross right over left, step back on left, step on right making quarter turn right, step left beside right
S3: Step hold and step scuff, rock recover three quarter shuffle over left shoulder
1,2&Step forward on right and hold one count on the and count step left next to right.
3,4Step forward on right and scuff left foot forward.
5,6Rock forward on left foot and recover weight on right
7&8While stepping left right left make three quarter turn over left shoulder
S4: Side rock recover and side rock recover, left jazz box with touch.
1,2Rock out on right to right side and recover on left.
&3,4Step right beside left on the & count, rock left to left side and recover on right.
5,6,7,8Step left over right, step back on right, step left beside right, touch right beside left.
Last Update - 24 Jan. 2020-R2
S1: Vine right with touch, vine left with touch (option for rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5,6,7,8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
S2: Cross point, cross point, jazz box with quarter turn right.
1,2Cross right over left and point left to left side
3,4Cross left over right and point right to right side
5,6,7,8Cross right over left, step back on left, step on right making quarter turn right, step left beside right
S3: Step hold and step scuff, rock recover three quarter shuffle over left shoulder
1,2&Step forward on right and hold one count on the and count step left next to right.
3,4Step forward on right and scuff left foot forward.
5,6Rock forward on left foot and recover weight on right
7&8While stepping left right left make three quarter turn over left shoulder
S4: Side rock recover and side rock recover, left jazz box with touch.
1,2Rock out on right to right side and recover on left.
&3,4Step right beside left on the & count, rock left to left side and recover on right.
5,6,7,8Step left over right, step back on right, step left beside right, touch right beside left.
Last Update - 24 Jan. 2020-R2