Easy Intermediate
START after 32 Beat Intro on Vocal
R Heel ball cross, Side shuffle, L Heel ball cross, Side shuffle
1&2Touch R heel at 45° & Step R tog, Step L across R
3&4Side shuffle - RLR
5&6Touch L heel at 45° & Step L tog, Step R across L
7&8Side shuffle - LRL
R Across, Side L - ¼ R, ¼ R - Shuffle fwd, Lock Shuffle fwd & R Tog, L fwd, Pivot ¼ R
1-2Step R across L, Step L to side turning ¼ R (3 o’clock)
3&4Turning ¼ R - Shuffle fwd – RLR (6 o’clock)
5&6Left lock shuffle forward - LRL
&Step R tog
7-8Step L fwd, Pivot ¼ R (9 o'clock)
L Cross shuffle & ½ R Hitch, R Cross shuffle, Touch L & Touch R, R sailor step
1&2Cross shuffle L over R
&Turn ½ R - hitching R (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross shuffle R over L
5&6Touch L to side & Step L tog, Touch R to side
7&8Right sailor step
L Samba, R Samba, Rock L fwd, Recover, L Coaster step
1&2Step L across R & Rock R to side, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R across L & Rock L to side, Recover weight on R
5-6Rock L fwd, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L back & Step R tog, Step L fwd ##
R heel grind ¼ R, Back L, R Coaster, Shuffle fwd, ½ L Shuffle
1-2Step R heel fwd across L, Grind heel turning ¼ R-stepping L back (6 o’clock)
3&4Step R back & Step L tog, Step R fwd
5&6Shuffle fwd LRL
7&8Shuffle fwd turning ½ L - RLR (12 o’clock)
L Coaster, R Kick ball step, R Samba ¼ R, Step fwd, Touch tog
1&2Step L back & Step R tog, Step L fwd
3&4Kick R fwd & Step R tog, Step L fwd
5&6Step R fwd & Rock L to side, Turn ¼ R-Replace weight on R (3 o’clock)
7-8Step left forward and touch right to left.
Restart ## - WALL 3 – Do first 32 counts, then restart dance at new wall ie: 9 o'clock
Tags – End of Walls 1 and 4 – Do a Right Rocking Chair, then start dance again.
Finish -Wall 9 front –
1&2R heel ball cross
3-4Step R to side, drag L tog
R Heel ball cross, Side shuffle, L Heel ball cross, Side shuffle
1&2Touch R heel at 45° & Step R tog, Step L across R
3&4Side shuffle - RLR
5&6Touch L heel at 45° & Step L tog, Step R across L
7&8Side shuffle - LRL
R Across, Side L - ¼ R, ¼ R - Shuffle fwd, Lock Shuffle fwd & R Tog, L fwd, Pivot ¼ R
1-2Step R across L, Step L to side turning ¼ R (3 o’clock)
3&4Turning ¼ R - Shuffle fwd – RLR (6 o’clock)
5&6Left lock shuffle forward - LRL
&Step R tog
7-8Step L fwd, Pivot ¼ R (9 o'clock)
L Cross shuffle & ½ R Hitch, R Cross shuffle, Touch L & Touch R, R sailor step
1&2Cross shuffle L over R
&Turn ½ R - hitching R (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross shuffle R over L
5&6Touch L to side & Step L tog, Touch R to side
7&8Right sailor step
L Samba, R Samba, Rock L fwd, Recover, L Coaster step
1&2Step L across R & Rock R to side, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R across L & Rock L to side, Recover weight on R
5-6Rock L fwd, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L back & Step R tog, Step L fwd ##
R heel grind ¼ R, Back L, R Coaster, Shuffle fwd, ½ L Shuffle
1-2Step R heel fwd across L, Grind heel turning ¼ R-stepping L back (6 o’clock)
3&4Step R back & Step L tog, Step R fwd
5&6Shuffle fwd LRL
7&8Shuffle fwd turning ½ L - RLR (12 o’clock)
L Coaster, R Kick ball step, R Samba ¼ R, Step fwd, Touch tog
1&2Step L back & Step R tog, Step L fwd
3&4Kick R fwd & Step R tog, Step L fwd
5&6Step R fwd & Rock L to side, Turn ¼ R-Replace weight on R (3 o’clock)
7-8Step left forward and touch right to left.
Restart ## - WALL 3 – Do first 32 counts, then restart dance at new wall ie: 9 o'clock
Tags – End of Walls 1 and 4 – Do a Right Rocking Chair, then start dance again.
Finish -Wall 9 front –
1&2R heel ball cross
3-4Step R to side, drag L tog