#32 count intro
Sec. 1. Rt shuffle forward, Rock recover, Lt shuffle back, Rock recover
1&2,3,4Rt Forward shuffle, Rock Lt forward, recover Rt
5&6,7,8Lt back shuffle, Rock Rt back, Recover Lt
Sec.2. Rt side rock, cross shuffle, Lt side Rock, cross shuffle
1,2,3&4Rt rock R side, recover Lt, Cross shuffle over Lt
5,6,7&8Lt rock L side, recover Rt, Cross shuffle over Rt
Sec 3. Rt step R, ¼ turn Lt, forward Rt Shuffle, Rock Lt recover, Lt coaster
1,2,3&4Step Rt to R, ¼ Turn L onto Lt, Forward Rt Shuffle
5,6,7&8Rock Lt forward, recover Rt, Lt coaster step
Sec.4. Rt toe forw, side, Sailor, Lt toe forw, side, Sailor
1,2,3&4Touch Rt toe forward, touch to R side, Rt sailor step
5,6,7&8Touch Lt toe forward, touch to L side, Lt sailor step
End of dance stomp Rt, Lt (after L sailor)
Sec. 1. Rt shuffle forward, Rock recover, Lt shuffle back, Rock recover
1&2,3,4Rt Forward shuffle, Rock Lt forward, recover Rt
5&6,7,8Lt back shuffle, Rock Rt back, Recover Lt
Sec.2. Rt side rock, cross shuffle, Lt side Rock, cross shuffle
1,2,3&4Rt rock R side, recover Lt, Cross shuffle over Lt
5,6,7&8Lt rock L side, recover Rt, Cross shuffle over Rt
Sec 3. Rt step R, ¼ turn Lt, forward Rt Shuffle, Rock Lt recover, Lt coaster
1,2,3&4Step Rt to R, ¼ Turn L onto Lt, Forward Rt Shuffle
5,6,7&8Rock Lt forward, recover Rt, Lt coaster step
Sec.4. Rt toe forw, side, Sailor, Lt toe forw, side, Sailor
1,2,3&4Touch Rt toe forward, touch to R side, Rt sailor step
5,6,7&8Touch Lt toe forward, touch to L side, Lt sailor step
End of dance stomp Rt, Lt (after L sailor)