CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Good As You

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Deb Jadlos - August 2019
Good As You - Kane Brown
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Starts 16 counts in with No Tags or Re-starts

Right Side Rock/Recover, Right Crossing Shuffle
1, 2, 3&4Rock to the right, recover on the left; Crossing shuffle right over left
Left Step ¼ Turn Right, Left Crossing Shuffle
5, 6, 7&8Step forward on left doing 1/4 turn to right stepping on right; Crossing shuffle left over right

Side Behind Side, Sway
1&2, 3, 4Step right, left behind right, step right; Sway L-R
¼ Left Sailor Step, Right Shuffle Forward
5&6, 7&8Step with the left making ¼ turn to the left, forward right, forward left; Shuffle forward right, left, right

Box Step Left/Shuffle Forward,
1, 2, 3&4Step left bringing right together next to left; Shuffle forward left, right, left
Box Step Right/Shuffle Back
5&6, 7&8Step right bringing left together next to right; Shuffle back right, left, right

¼ Left Sailor Step, Right Lock Shuffle Back
1&2, 3&4Step with left making ¼ turn to left, forward right, forward left; Step back right, lock left in front of right, step back right
½ Left Unwind, Sway
5, 6, 7, 8Step left behind right unwinding ½ turn to the left; Sway R-L

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