S1: Right Step hold (or sway), Left hold (or Sway)
1-4.Step Right slightly forward, hold for three counts (optional styling sway fwd, back, fwd instead of hold)
5-8.Repeat with left side.
S2: Rocking Chair x2
9-12.Rock step forward onto right, recover back onto left, Rock step Right back, recover onto Left.
13-16.Repeat 9-12
S3: Right Chasse, Back Rock, 1/4Left Grapevine, Touch
17&18.Step Right to Right Side, Step Left next to Right, Step Right to Right side,
19-20.Rock Step Left behind Right, Recover onto Right.
21-24.Step Left to Left side, Step Right behind Left, Step Left ¼ Left, Touch Right next to Left.
S4: Walk Back, Jazz Jumps
25-28.Walk back Right, Left, Right, Left stepping next to right
&29, 30.Step Right out slightly Forward, Step Left out slightly forward, Clap hands
&31, 32.Step Right in slightly back, Step Left in slightly back, Clap hands.
Begin again and keep smiling.
1-4.Step Right slightly forward, hold for three counts (optional styling sway fwd, back, fwd instead of hold)
5-8.Repeat with left side.
S2: Rocking Chair x2
9-12.Rock step forward onto right, recover back onto left, Rock step Right back, recover onto Left.
13-16.Repeat 9-12
S3: Right Chasse, Back Rock, 1/4Left Grapevine, Touch
17&18.Step Right to Right Side, Step Left next to Right, Step Right to Right side,
19-20.Rock Step Left behind Right, Recover onto Right.
21-24.Step Left to Left side, Step Right behind Left, Step Left ¼ Left, Touch Right next to Left.
S4: Walk Back, Jazz Jumps
25-28.Walk back Right, Left, Right, Left stepping next to right
&29, 30.Step Right out slightly Forward, Step Left out slightly forward, Clap hands
&31, 32.Step Right in slightly back, Step Left in slightly back, Clap hands.
Begin again and keep smiling.