CopperKnob Stepsheets

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With the Boys

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High Improver
Shanon Dickson (AUS) - May 2019
Crackin’ Cold Ones With the Boys - The Cadillac Three : (Single - Spotify )
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**2 Restarts. Walls 6 & 8

[1 – 8] Kick Ball Step, Pivot ½ turn, Pivot ½ Hitch, Side Shuffle L
1&2Kick R Fwd, Step R in place, Step Fwd L
3, 4Step R Fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn L (6.00)
5, 6Step R Fwd, Turn 1/2 turn L as you hitch L (12.00)
7&8Step L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L **

[9 – 16] Rock Back/Replace, R Heel Ball Cross, R Heel Ball Cross, Side ¼ Twist
1, 2Rock Back on R, Rock/Replace Fwd onto L
3&4Touch R heel Fwd, Step R slightly back, Cross L over R
5&6Touch R heel Fwd, Step R slightly back, Cross L over R
7, 8Step R to R side, Twist heels to R as you 1/4 turn L (9.00) ##

[17 – 24] L Coaster Step, Step R, Point L, L Sailor Step, Step R, Point L
1&2Step L slightly back, Step R beside L, Step Fwd L
3, 4Step Fwd On R, Point L toe to L Side
5&6Step L behind R, Step R slightly to R, Step L in place
7, 8Step Fwd on R, Point L toe to L Side

[25 – 32] Behind, Side, Fwd, Rock Fwd, Rock/Replace to L, 1 ½ triple Step, R, L, R, Step L, Touch R.
1&2Step L behind R, Step R slightly to R, Step Fwd L
3, 4Rock Fwd on R, Rock/Replace back onto L
5&6Turn 1/2 turn R Step R Fwd, Turn 1/2 turn R Step back on L, Turn 1/2 turn R Step R Fwd. (1/2 turn Shuffle Fwd) (3.00)
7, 8Step Fwd on L, Touch R beside L.

~32 count, 2 Restarts walls 6 & 8 as follows.
## Wall 6. Do first 16 counts keep weight Fwd on L.
** Wall 8. Complete first 8 counts, Side Shuffle L, then Restart.



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