CopperKnob Stepsheets

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In Your Eyes

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High Beginner
Jose DIDI Smeets (NL) - April 2019
I Can See It in Your Eyes - Joni Harms
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Restart on wall 4 after 32 counts

Side, together, shuffle forward, pivot turn ½ R , left shuffle forward
1 2 3&4Right foot Side,Left foot close next to the right foot, Shuffle Right forward
56 7&8Left foot Step forwards, turn ½ Right shuffle left forward

Side, together, shuffle forward, rock forward ,step ¼ turn left, shuffle to the side
1 2 3&4Right foot side ,Left foot close next to the right foot, Shuffle right forward,
5 6 7&8Left foot rock step, turn ¼ left shuffle to the side

Rock step coasterstep, rock step ½ shuffle turn left
1 2 3&4Right foot rockstep forward, coasterstep
5 6 7&8Left foot rockstep forward , ½ shuffle turn left

Figure van 8
1 2 34Right foot step to the side, left foot cross behind Rightfoot, Right foot step ¼ draai right, left foot step forward,
5 6 7 8½ turn right,Left foot step ¼ turn right tot the side, cross behind, left foot step ¼ turn left
Restart at wall 4

Cross rock shuffle side, cross rock shuffle side
1 2 3 4Right foot cross rock, shuffle to the right side,
5 6 7 8Left foot cross rock , shuffle to the left side

Rock step coasterstep, rock step ½ shuffle turn left
1 2 3&4Right foot rock step, coasterstep right
5 6 7&8Left foot rock step, ½ shuffle turn left

Full turn, shuffle forward, rock step ¼ left shuffle to the side
1 2 3&4Right foot turn ½ step back on right foot, Left foot turn ½ step left foot forward, Right foot shuffle forward
5 6 7&8Left foot rock step, ¼ turn left shuffle to the side

Weave step, ¼ turn, left hip hip
1 2 3 4Right cross step left, left to the side , cross right foot behind, left foot to the side
5 6 7 8Right foot step forward, turn ¼ left, hip right hip left

After figure of 8 start again

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