Phrased Intermediate
#16 count intro - Sequence: AABC AABC AB
** 1st place USLDCC Phrased Division – 2019 Boston Line Dance Showdown **
A (32 counts):
[1-8] R&L Dorothy Steps, R Rock, L Recover, Walk back RL
1,2&Step R to right diagonal (1), lock L behind R (2), Step R to right diagonal (&)
3,4&Step L to left diagonal (3), lock R behind L (4), Step L to left diagonal (&)
5,6Rock forward on R (5), Recover weight back onto L (6)
7,8Walk back R (7), Walk back L (8) *Option: add flair to the walks back with heel swivels
[9-16] Step back w/ snap 2x, scuff slide
1,2Step back on R (1), Touch L next to R and snap fingers (2),
3,4Touch L forward (3), Touch L next to R and snap fingers (4)
5.6Step L forward (5), Scuff R foot with ¼ turn left (6)
7,8Slide to the right (7) Step L next to R (8)
[17-24] L Side Rock, R Side Rock, R Behind Side Forward with ¼ turn left, L Sailor Step
1, 2&Rock L out to left side (1), Recover weight onto R (2), Switch weight to L (&)
3, 4Rock R out to right side (3), Recover weight onto L (4)
5&6Step R behind L (5), Step L out to left side (&), Step R forward with ¼ turn to the left (6)
7&8Step L behind R (7), Step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (8)
[25-32] R sailor step, L Pivot ½ turn, Shuffle Forward LRL, Push R Jump Back on L w/ Kick
1&2Step R behind L (1), Step L to left side (&), Step R to right side (2)
3, 4Step L forward for a pivot ½ turn over right shoulder (3,4)
5&6Left shuffle forward [L(5) R(&) L(6)]
7,8Push forward on R (7), Jump back onto L and kick R forward (8)
B (32 counts):
[1-8] Slide R, Step and Cross, unwind ½ Turn, Chest pop, R Scissor
1,2Slide to the right on R (1), Step L together (2)
3,4Cross R over L (3), Unwind ½ turn (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
[9-16] L Point, Angle Body, Body Roll, Chest Pop, L Behind Side Cross
1,2Point L out to left side (1), Hold (2)
3,4Angle body to left diagonal (3), Body Roll (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step L behind R (7), Step R to right side (&), Cross L in front of R (8)
[17-24] Slide R, Step and Cross, Unwind ½ Turn, Chest Pop, R Scissor
1,2Slide to the right on R (1), Step L together (2)
3,4Cross R over L (3), Unwind ½ turn (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
[25-32] L Scissor Step, R Pivot ½ Turn 2x, Step, Hitch
1&2Step L to left side (1), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (2)
3,4Step R forward (3), Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder (6)
7,8Step R forward (7), Change weight to left while travelling forward and hitch right leg (8)
C (32 counts):
[1-8] R ¼ Jazz Box, R Kick and Point, L Kick and Point
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5&6Kick R forward (5), Step R back down center (&), Point L out to side
7&8Kick L forward (7), Step L back down center (&), Point R out to side
[9-16] R ¼ Jazz Box, Pop Walks 4x
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5, 6R Step w/ left knee pop (5), L Step w/ right knee pop (6)
7, 8R Step w/ left knee pop (7), L Step w/ right knee pop (8)
[17-24] R ¼ Jazz Box, R Heel, L Heel, R Center, L Center
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5&6&Step forward on R heel (5), Step forward on L heel (&), Step R back to center (6), Step L back to center (&)
7&8&Step forward on R heel (7), Step forward on L heel (&), Step R back to center (8), Step L back to center (&)
[25-32] R ¼ Jazz Box, Hip Sways
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5, 6Step R to right and sway hips to the right (5), Take weight onto left and sway left (6)
7, 8Take weight onto right and sway right (7), take weight onto left and sway left (8)
A special thank you to Jamie Marshall for your lovely touch of flare!
** 1st place USLDCC Phrased Division – 2019 Boston Line Dance Showdown **
A (32 counts):
[1-8] R&L Dorothy Steps, R Rock, L Recover, Walk back RL
1,2&Step R to right diagonal (1), lock L behind R (2), Step R to right diagonal (&)
3,4&Step L to left diagonal (3), lock R behind L (4), Step L to left diagonal (&)
5,6Rock forward on R (5), Recover weight back onto L (6)
7,8Walk back R (7), Walk back L (8) *Option: add flair to the walks back with heel swivels
[9-16] Step back w/ snap 2x, scuff slide
1,2Step back on R (1), Touch L next to R and snap fingers (2),
3,4Touch L forward (3), Touch L next to R and snap fingers (4)
5.6Step L forward (5), Scuff R foot with ¼ turn left (6)
7,8Slide to the right (7) Step L next to R (8)
[17-24] L Side Rock, R Side Rock, R Behind Side Forward with ¼ turn left, L Sailor Step
1, 2&Rock L out to left side (1), Recover weight onto R (2), Switch weight to L (&)
3, 4Rock R out to right side (3), Recover weight onto L (4)
5&6Step R behind L (5), Step L out to left side (&), Step R forward with ¼ turn to the left (6)
7&8Step L behind R (7), Step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (8)
[25-32] R sailor step, L Pivot ½ turn, Shuffle Forward LRL, Push R Jump Back on L w/ Kick
1&2Step R behind L (1), Step L to left side (&), Step R to right side (2)
3, 4Step L forward for a pivot ½ turn over right shoulder (3,4)
5&6Left shuffle forward [L(5) R(&) L(6)]
7,8Push forward on R (7), Jump back onto L and kick R forward (8)
B (32 counts):
[1-8] Slide R, Step and Cross, unwind ½ Turn, Chest pop, R Scissor
1,2Slide to the right on R (1), Step L together (2)
3,4Cross R over L (3), Unwind ½ turn (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
[9-16] L Point, Angle Body, Body Roll, Chest Pop, L Behind Side Cross
1,2Point L out to left side (1), Hold (2)
3,4Angle body to left diagonal (3), Body Roll (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step L behind R (7), Step R to right side (&), Cross L in front of R (8)
[17-24] Slide R, Step and Cross, Unwind ½ Turn, Chest Pop, R Scissor
1,2Slide to the right on R (1), Step L together (2)
3,4Cross R over L (3), Unwind ½ turn (4)
5,6Raise Chest (5), Lower Chest (6)
7&8Step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
[25-32] L Scissor Step, R Pivot ½ Turn 2x, Step, Hitch
1&2Step L to left side (1), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (2)
3,4Step R forward (3), Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), Pivot ½ turn over left shoulder (6)
7,8Step R forward (7), Change weight to left while travelling forward and hitch right leg (8)
C (32 counts):
[1-8] R ¼ Jazz Box, R Kick and Point, L Kick and Point
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5&6Kick R forward (5), Step R back down center (&), Point L out to side
7&8Kick L forward (7), Step L back down center (&), Point R out to side
[9-16] R ¼ Jazz Box, Pop Walks 4x
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5, 6R Step w/ left knee pop (5), L Step w/ right knee pop (6)
7, 8R Step w/ left knee pop (7), L Step w/ right knee pop (8)
[17-24] R ¼ Jazz Box, R Heel, L Heel, R Center, L Center
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5&6&Step forward on R heel (5), Step forward on L heel (&), Step R back to center (6), Step L back to center (&)
7&8&Step forward on R heel (7), Step forward on L heel (&), Step R back to center (8), Step L back to center (&)
[25-32] R ¼ Jazz Box, Hip Sways
1, 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back with ¼ turn to the right (2)
3, 4Step R to the right side (3), Step L forward (4)
5, 6Step R to right and sway hips to the right (5), Take weight onto left and sway left (6)
7, 8Take weight onto right and sway right (7), take weight onto left and sway left (8)
A special thank you to Jamie Marshall for your lovely touch of flare!