CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Key Low Key

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Alison Metelnick (UK) & Peter Metelnick (UK) - February 2019
Low Key (feat. Tyga) - Ally Brooke
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Start after 16 count intro - approx. 8secs – 3mins 21secs – 109bpm
Music Available: Amazon

[1-8] R ball cross over hold, R ball cross behind hold, ¼ R, L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross shuffle
&1-2Step R side, cross step L over R, hold
&3-4Step R side, cross step L behind R, hold
&5-6Turning ¼ right step R forward, step L forward, pivot ¼ right (6 o’clock)
7&8Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R

[9-16] R side, drag L to meet R, L ball cross, step L side, R sailor, L touch behind, ¾ L unwind (weight on L)
1-2&Step R side, drag L together, step back on L
3-4Cross step R over L, step L side
5&6Cross step R behind L, step L side, step R side
7-8Touch L behind, unwind ¾ left (weight ends on L) (9 o’clock)
WALL 3 RESTART: During wall 3 which starts facing back wall, dance up to count 16 and restart dance facing right side wall
WALL 6 & 10 RESTARTS: During walls 6 & 10 which start facing left side wall, dance up to count 16 and restart the dance facing back wall

[17-24] R fwd ball step, R fwd rock/recover, R back lock, turning ½ L step L fwd, step R fwd, ½ L pivot turn
&1Step R fwd, step L fwd
2-3Rock R forward, recover weight on L
4&5Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
6-8Turning ½ left step L forward, step R forward, pivot ½ left (9 o’clock)

[25-32] R cross step, L side point, L samba (in place), R cross step, L tango flick, R syncopated weave
1-2Cross step R over L, point L side
3&4Cross step L over R, rock R side, recover weight on L
5-6Cross R over L, flick L back on left diagonal
7&Cross step L over R, step R side
8Cross step L behind R

WALL 8 TAG: At the end of wall 8 you will be facing front wall. Add the following &4 count tag:
&Step R to right side
1-4Step L to left side raising both arms up above your head & arc them out to your sides whilst clicking your fingers.

END: Dance finishes bang on facing front wall. Enjoy!

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Please Note: we like to check and approve all Videos of our dances before they are linked to this site.- A&P
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