CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Such A Catchy Dance

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Gary Samms (UK) - February 2019
Catchy Song (feat. T-Pain & That Girl Lay Lay) - Dillon Francis : (Album: Lego Movie 2 OST)
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Intro: 16 counts from start

Section 1: Side Point x2, Right Grapevine
1-2Step right to right side, point left in front of right.
3-4Step left to left side, point right in front of left.
5-6Step right to right side, cross left behind right.
7-8Step right to right side, touch left next to right. (FUN OPTIONAL: Instead of touch add a little jump and clap)

Section 2: Side Point x2, Left Grapevine ¼ Brush
1-2Step left to left side, point right in front of left.
3-4Step right to right side, point left in front of right.
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
7-8Make ¼ left stepping forward onto left, brush right foot forward. (9:00)

Section 3: Forward Touches with Claps x2, Jazzbox ¼ Right
1-2Step right diagonally forward, touch left next to right and clap.
3-4Step left diagonally forward, touch right next to left and clap.
5-6Cross right over left, step left back.
7-8Make ¼ right stepping right to right side, step left slightly forward. (12:00)

Section 4: Rocking Chair, Step, Bounce x3
1-2Rock forward onto right, recover weight to left.
3-4Rock back onto right, recover weight to left.
5Step forward onto right.
6-8Making ¼ left bounce on heels of both feet 3 times. Weight ends on left. (9:00)


Enjoy the dance and just have fun with it! 😊

Pismo February 9, 2019
The click bait title worked! I like this little dance and will be teaching it soon, but I'll save the annoying music for the next time I have a class full of teenyboppers (which I hope will be never), LOL.

Daz February 9, 2019
Pismo, yes very clever there wasn't I LOL. Thanks for considering teaching it

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