CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Where Were You, I Wanna Know

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Jodi Maas (USA) - February 2019
Where Were You - Eli Young Band
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Intro - 16 count

[1-8] Side shuffle rock X2
1&2right side left to right right side
3-4cross left behind right weight back on right
5&6left side right to left left side
7-8cross right behind left weight back on left

[9-16] Hop out in heels
1-2hop right and left apart
3-4hop right and left together
5-6touch right heal front touch left heal front
7-8touch right heal front touch left heal front

[17-24] Rock recover 1/2 turn shuffle X2
1-2rock forward right weight on left 1/2 turn over right shoulder
3&4step right front left behind right in front
5-6rock forward left weight on right 1/2 turn over left shoulder
7&8step left front right behind left front

[25-32] Rock front back 1/4 pivot step side point
1-2rock front right recover left
3-4rock back right recover left
*** Tag/Re-Start (wall 3)
*5-6 1/4 turn in step right side tap left to right
*7-8 step left side step right to left (Re-start)
5-6step front right 1/4 pivot weight to left
7-8step right over left tap left toe side

[33-40] Side tap rock recover walk back coaster
1&2tap right toe side hop switch tap left toe side
&3,4rock foward right recover left
5-6walk back right left
7&8Step back right step left to right step right forward

[41-48] 1/4 pivot X2 1 1/4 turn step tap behind
1-2step left 1/4 pivot clockwise step right
3-4step left 1/4 pivot clockwise step right
5-6step left 1/2 turn clockwise step right 1/2 turn clockwise
7-81/4 turn clockwise step left front tap right toe behind

[49-56] Shuffle back shuffle foward step touch step back
1&2Right back left to right right back 1/2 turn over left shoulder
3&4left front right to left left front
5-61/4 turn counter clockwise step right side step left to right
7-81/4 turn clockwise step back left right toe drag

[57-64] Rock recover step toe tap rock across
1-2rock back right recover left
3-41/4 turn clockwise step right front tap left toe side
5-6cross left over right tap right toe side
7-8right over left side rock recover weight on left

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