I imagine playing instruments, parading in the French Quarter during Mardi Gras, dressed in bright colors and having an enormous amount of fun with this dance!
Begins after 32 beats (after Louis “preaches”)
Section 1: Charleston
1-4R step forward, L kick, L step back, R touch back
5-8R step forward, L kick, L step back, R touch back
Section 2: Pivot 1/2, Pivot 1/2, Jazz box
1-4R step forward, pivot half, weight L, R step forward pivot half, weight L
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
Section 3: Grapevine R with L heel touch, step touch, step heel, step touch, step heel
1-4R step to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, touch L heel at diagonal
&5&6Step L beside R, R touch beside L, R to R side, L heel touch at diagonal
&7&8Step L beside R, R touch beside L, R to R side, L heel touch at diagonal
Section 4: Grapevine L with 1/4 turn L, kick, Jazz box
1-4L step to side, cross R behind L, step L to side turning foot out to 9:00, kick R toward new wall
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
Tag at 9:00 (walls 2 & 6) prior to beginning: Walk forward, kick, walk back, touch
(This happens every time you are at 9:00, which is only twice for this short song.)
1-8Walk forward RLR, kick L, walk back LRL, touch R by L
Begins after 32 beats (after Louis “preaches”)
Section 1: Charleston
1-4R step forward, L kick, L step back, R touch back
5-8R step forward, L kick, L step back, R touch back
Section 2: Pivot 1/2, Pivot 1/2, Jazz box
1-4R step forward, pivot half, weight L, R step forward pivot half, weight L
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
Section 3: Grapevine R with L heel touch, step touch, step heel, step touch, step heel
1-4R step to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, touch L heel at diagonal
&5&6Step L beside R, R touch beside L, R to R side, L heel touch at diagonal
&7&8Step L beside R, R touch beside L, R to R side, L heel touch at diagonal
Section 4: Grapevine L with 1/4 turn L, kick, Jazz box
1-4L step to side, cross R behind L, step L to side turning foot out to 9:00, kick R toward new wall
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
Tag at 9:00 (walls 2 & 6) prior to beginning: Walk forward, kick, walk back, touch
(This happens every time you are at 9:00, which is only twice for this short song.)
1-8Walk forward RLR, kick L, walk back LRL, touch R by L