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Never Love Again

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Paul Snooke (AUS) & Guillaume Richard (FR) - November 2018
I'll Never Love Again (Extended Version) - Lady Gaga : (Album: A Star Is Born Soundtrack)
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Track info: 5:29 min - 54 bpm
*Dance starts after the first 16 counts on the lyrics
*3 count bridge on wall 1 after count 63, which is just a hold for 3 counts, then continue the dance with count 64 and start the dance again (marked in sheet with ^^)
*Restart after 16 & ½ (marked in sheet by *) on wall 2
*2 count bridge on wall 4 after count 34, which is just a hold for 2 counts, then continue the dance with count 35 (marked in sheet with “”)

[1-8] Step, Touch, Back & Sweep, Behind, 1 & ½ turn L, Side Lunge, Full turn L, 2x sways
1&2Step RF forward raising up on both toes, Touch LF behind RF (remaining on toes), Step back on LF sweeping RF around behind LF
3&4&5Step RF behind LF, Turn 1/4 L & step LF forward, Turn 1/2 L & step RF back, Turn 1/2 L & step LF forward, Turn 1/4 L & step RF to R side bending the R knee slightly [6:00]
6&7Turn 1/4 L & step LF forward, Turn 1/2 L & step RF back, Turn 1/4 L step LF to L side [6:00]
8&Sway body to the R and to the L

[9-16] Cross & Sweep, Cross, Side, Cross L back rock-recover, ¾ turn R, Mambo, Rotating hitch, Back, ¼ turn L
1-2&Cross RF over LF sweeping the LF around in front of RF, Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side
3-4&Cross rock LF back, Recover weight to RF, Step LF to L side [6:00]
5-6&Turn 3/8 R & step RF forward, Rock LF forward, Recover weight to RF [1:30]
7-8&Step LF back & hitch the R knee making a ½ circle from front to back, Step RF back, Turn 1/8 L & step LF to L side* [12:00]

[17-24] Diamond step, Back & Sweep, Back, 3/8 turn R, ¼ R Scissor step, Side, Cross behind & Sweep, Behind, Side
1&2&Turn 1/8 L & Step RF to R side raising up on your toes, Step LF to L side (remain on your toes), Step RF back on R diagonal (come down from your toes), Step/Rock LF forward [10:30]
3-4&Recover RF back while sweeping LF around behind RF, Step LF back, Turn 3/8 R & step RF forward [3:00]
5&6&Turn ¼ R & step LF to L side, Step RF together, Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side [6:00]
7-8&Cross LF behind RF & sweep RF around behind LF, Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side

[25-32] Cross & Hands in a heart shape, Unwind ½ & Break the heart, Forward, ¼ L & Hitch, Side Lunge, ¼ turn R, Forward, ½ turn R, Cross rock-recover, Full turn L
1-2Touch RF over LF & make a heart with your hands in front of your heart, unwind ½ turn with weight on LF & peel the fingers away from each other leaving the thumbs connected as if the heart was breaking [12:00]
3&4Step RF forward, Turn ¼ R & hitch L knee, Lunge LF to L side look over L shoulder [3:00]
5-6&Turn ¼ R & step RF forward, Step LF forward, Turn ½ R & transfer weight to RF [12:00]
7&8&Rock LF over RF, Recover weight to RF, Turn ¼ L & step LF forward, Turn ½ L & step RF back [9:00]

[33-40] ¼ L & Side, Drag & Hands crossed, Side, Cross, ¼ L, ¼ L & Side, Drag & R hand flame, Side, Cross, ¼ L
1-2Turn ¼ L & step LF to L side, drag LF towards RF while slowly pushing your palms out in front of you then across your body to touch the opposite shoulders “” [12:00]
3-4&Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF, Turn ¼ L & step RF back [9:00]
5-6Turn ¼ L & step LF to L side, drag LF towards RF raising your R palm up in front of you and close your fist finger by finger starting with the pinkie and ending with the thumb [6:00]
7-8&Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF, Turn ¼ L & step RF back [3:00]

[41-48] ¼ L & Side, Cross rock-recover, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, 7/8 unwind, Full unwind, Run L, R
1-2&Turn ¼ L & step LF to L side, Rock RF over LF, Recover weight to LF [12:00]
3-4&Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side
5-6Touch LF behind RF, unwind 7/8 turn to the L transferring weight to LF [1:30]
7-8&Unwind a full turn to the R transferring eight to the RF, Step LF forward, Step RF forward [1:30]

[49-56] ¼ R Lunge & Look to R, Look L & Left arm to the L, ¼ Turn R, Forward, ½ turn R, Forward rock-recover, 1/8 L & Side rock-recover, 1/8 L Back rock-recover
1-2Turn ¼ R & lunge LF to L side looking over R shoulder while placing your L hand on your heart, Look to the L & bring the L hand out to L side with palm up [4:30]
3-4&Turn ¼ R & step RF forward, Step LF forward, Turn ½ R transferring weight to RF [1:30]
5&6&Rock LF forward pushing L palm forward, Recover weight to RF, Turn 1/8 L & rock LF to L side moving L hand out to L side with palm facing up, Recover weight to RF [12:00]
7-8&Turn 1/8 L & step LF back while your L hand brushes your L cheek and look back, Recover weight to RF turning back to the front, Turn 1/8 R & step LF to L side

[57-64] 1/8 R & Side, ½ R & Side, Cross rock-recover, Side, Cross, Unwind 5/8 L, Cross, R hand up while pointing L toe, Back, 1/8 R & Side, Cross, Full unwind R
1-2&Turn ½ R & step RF to R side, Rock LF over RF, Recover weight to RF [6:00]
3-4&Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF, Unwind 5/8 turn transferring weight to LF [1:30]
5-6&Step RF forward & reach R hand up pointing L toe, Step LF back & bring hand down to a fist, Turn 1/8 R & step RF to R side [12:00]
7-8Cross LF over RF, Unwind a full turn ending with weight on LF

Contact info:
Paul Snooke -
Guillaume Richard -

Last updated on 5th December 2018

Chich January 9, 2019
Beautiful dance full of passion.

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