CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country Boy

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Frank Heelan (IRE) - December 2018
Intro: 16 Counts.
Restart: On wall 4 dance first 24 counts and restart facing 12.00

Sec 1: Heel &heel & rock step, shuffle forward, rock step.
1&2&Right heel forward, step together, left heel forward step together
3-4Rock back on right, recover to left
5&6Step forward right, left together, forward right
7-8Rock forward left, recover to right (12.00)

Sec 2: Coaster step, step ½ turn, cross side, ball cross, side.
1&2Back left, right together, forward left
3-4Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn (6.00)
5-6Step right across left, step left to left
&7-8Step on ball of right, cross left over right, step right to right. (6.00)

Sec 3: Sailor ¼ turn, walk right , left, pivot ½ pivot ¼
1&2Sweeping left around behind right turning ¼ left step right to right, left to left (3.00)
3-4Walk forward right, left
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ left
7-8step forward right, pivot ¼ left (6.00)

Sec 4: Rock recover, shuffle ½ turn, pivot ½ shuffle forward
1-2Rock forward right, recover to left
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping right to right, left together, turn ¼ right step forward right (12.00)
5-6Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
7&8Step forward left, right together, forward left. (6.00)


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