Low Intermediate
Intro: 35 counts (3 silent counts after the words 'let you know'.....start when vocals kick back in)
S1: Side touch & side touch &, walk walk, rock recover
1-2&Step R to right side, touch L beside R (hip up/down)
3-4&Step L to left side, touch R beside L(hip up/down)
5-6Walk fwd R, walk fwd L
7-8Rock R fwd, recover L
S2: Turn 1/4 R side cross rock, sway sway sway, cross side back, back side fwd (turning 1/2 circle)
1-2&Turn 1/4 right step R to right side, cross L over R, recover R 3:00
3-4&Sway L, sway R, sway L
5-6&Cross R over L turn 1/8 right step L back/side, turn 1/8 right step R back 6:00
7-8&Turn 1/8 step L back, turn 1/8 right step R to right side, step L fwd 9:00
***** Restart here on Wall 2 and Wall 6 (both restart facing 6:00)
S3: Side behind side, sync rocking chair, cross side rock R, cross side rock L
1-2&Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right
3&4&Rock L fwd, recover R, rock L back, recover R (to right diagonal)
5-6&Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L (moving fwd)
7-8&Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R (moving fwd)
S4: Step turn 1/2 L sweep, sailor step, step turn/roll 1/4 L, step turn/roll 1/4 L
1-2&Step L fwd, turn 1/2 left step R back, sweep L from front to back 3:00
3-4&Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
5-6Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (rolling hips counter clockwise) step L fwd 12:00
7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (rolling hips counter clockwise) step L fwd 9:00
**2 Restarts: Wall 2 and Wall 6 both start at 9:00 and Restart at 6:00
Ending: Dance ends on Wall 12 after 16 counts, facing 12:00....
NOTE: I have faded out about 4:14 since the original music is 7:23 minutes long
S1: Side touch & side touch &, walk walk, rock recover
1-2&Step R to right side, touch L beside R (hip up/down)
3-4&Step L to left side, touch R beside L(hip up/down)
5-6Walk fwd R, walk fwd L
7-8Rock R fwd, recover L
S2: Turn 1/4 R side cross rock, sway sway sway, cross side back, back side fwd (turning 1/2 circle)
1-2&Turn 1/4 right step R to right side, cross L over R, recover R 3:00
3-4&Sway L, sway R, sway L
5-6&Cross R over L turn 1/8 right step L back/side, turn 1/8 right step R back 6:00
7-8&Turn 1/8 step L back, turn 1/8 right step R to right side, step L fwd 9:00
***** Restart here on Wall 2 and Wall 6 (both restart facing 6:00)
S3: Side behind side, sync rocking chair, cross side rock R, cross side rock L
1-2&Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right
3&4&Rock L fwd, recover R, rock L back, recover R (to right diagonal)
5-6&Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L (moving fwd)
7-8&Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R (moving fwd)
S4: Step turn 1/2 L sweep, sailor step, step turn/roll 1/4 L, step turn/roll 1/4 L
1-2&Step L fwd, turn 1/2 left step R back, sweep L from front to back 3:00
3-4&Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
5-6Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (rolling hips counter clockwise) step L fwd 12:00
7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (rolling hips counter clockwise) step L fwd 9:00
**2 Restarts: Wall 2 and Wall 6 both start at 9:00 and Restart at 6:00
Ending: Dance ends on Wall 12 after 16 counts, facing 12:00....
NOTE: I have faded out about 4:14 since the original music is 7:23 minutes long