Janelle Trudeau, Justin Desloges (CAN), Ana Roderick & Lynn Watkins - October 2018
Choreo: Janelle Trudeau (Country Spirit), Justin Desloges (Country Wolf), Ana Roderick (Country Rose) and Lynn Watkins (Country Layne)
**Restart Happens on Wall 3 after 16 counts, for count 16 Instead of Stepping Forward onto the Left, Rock Forward onto the Left, this will give you the Momentum Required to Shuffle Backwards**
(1 - 8) Shuffle Back, Rock - Recover, Half Turn Shuffle, Rock - Recover
1&2Shuffle backwards Right - Left - Right
3,4Rock Back on the Left, Recover onto the Right
5&6While Making a Half Turn Shuffle Left - Right - Left
7,8Rock onto Right, Recover onto the Left
(9 - 16) Side Rock - Recover, Behind - Side - Cross, Side Rock - Recover, 1/4 Sailor Turn
1,2Rock R to Right Side, Recover onto the Left.
3&4Step R Behind L, Step L Beside R, Cross R Infront of L
5,6Rock L to Left side, Recover onto Right
7&8Swing Left behind Right making a 1/4 turn, Step Right to Meet Left, Step forward onto Left.
*Restart Here on Wall 3
(17 - 24) Sway - Sway, Cross Rock - Recover, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Full Turn
1,2Sway Hips Right, Sway Hips left
3,4Cross Rock R in Front of L, Recover onto Left
5&61/4 Turn into Shuffle R-L-R
7,8Step Left Forward Making a Full Turn Over Right Shoulder
(25 - 32) Rock - Recover, 1/4 Turn - Half Turn, Behind - Side - Cross, Side Rock - Recover
1,2Rock Forward onto Left, Recover onto Right
3,4Step Left Back Making a 1/4 Turn over Left Shoulder, Half-Turn over Left Shoulder
5&6Step L Behind R, Step R Beside L, Cross L Infront of R
7,8Rock R to Right Side, Recover onto Left
**Restart Happens on Wall 3 after 16 counts, for count 16 Instead of Stepping Forward onto the Left, Rock Forward onto the Left, this will give you the Momentum Required to Shuffle Backwards**
(1 - 8) Shuffle Back, Rock - Recover, Half Turn Shuffle, Rock - Recover
1&2Shuffle backwards Right - Left - Right
3,4Rock Back on the Left, Recover onto the Right
5&6While Making a Half Turn Shuffle Left - Right - Left
7,8Rock onto Right, Recover onto the Left
(9 - 16) Side Rock - Recover, Behind - Side - Cross, Side Rock - Recover, 1/4 Sailor Turn
1,2Rock R to Right Side, Recover onto the Left.
3&4Step R Behind L, Step L Beside R, Cross R Infront of L
5,6Rock L to Left side, Recover onto Right
7&8Swing Left behind Right making a 1/4 turn, Step Right to Meet Left, Step forward onto Left.
*Restart Here on Wall 3
(17 - 24) Sway - Sway, Cross Rock - Recover, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Full Turn
1,2Sway Hips Right, Sway Hips left
3,4Cross Rock R in Front of L, Recover onto Left
5&61/4 Turn into Shuffle R-L-R
7,8Step Left Forward Making a Full Turn Over Right Shoulder
(25 - 32) Rock - Recover, 1/4 Turn - Half Turn, Behind - Side - Cross, Side Rock - Recover
1,2Rock Forward onto Left, Recover onto Right
3,4Step Left Back Making a 1/4 Turn over Left Shoulder, Half-Turn over Left Shoulder
5&6Step L Behind R, Step R Beside L, Cross L Infront of R
7,8Rock R to Right Side, Recover onto Left