High Beginner
Sequence: 32, 32, 8, 32, 32, 8, 32, 16, 32, 8, 8
Start after 16 counts
(* observe the style notes)
S1: Toe strut, Toe strut, Shuffle, Back shuffle, Shuffle 1/2 turn
1 & 2 &RF toe fwd, RF drop heel, LF toe fwd, LF drop heel
3 & 4RF fwd (* on toes), LF together (* flat), RF step next to LF
5 & 6 &LF back (* flat), RF together (* on toes), LF back (* flat), RF back (*on toes)
7 & 8LF back (* flat), 1/2 turn R step on RF (* on toe), step LF next to RF (6:00)
S2: Cross point, Side point, Cross, 1/4 turn, Cross point, Side point, Shuffle 1/4 turn
1 2RF cross point, RF point to R side
3 & 4RF cross over LF, 1/4 R LF step back, RF side
5 6LF cross point, LF point to L side
7 & 8LF step behind, RF fwd 1/4 turn R, LF step next to RF (12:00)
S3: Mambo fwd (2x),R Hip bump (2x), Behind side cross
1 & 2RF rock fwd, recover, RF next to LF
3 & 4LF rock fwd, recover, LF next to RF
5 6R hip bump, R hip bump
7 & 8Step RF behind LF, LF step L, RF cross over LF
S4: Side, Circle hip, Sailor 1/4 turn, Kick ball change, Pivot 1/4 turn
1 2Step L to L side, circle hip counter-clockwise
3 & 41/4 turn L stepping LF behind RF, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
5 & 6RF kick fwd, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
7 8Step RF fwd, 1/4 turn L (weight on LF) (06:00)
Ending: Dance Section 1 (only) twice
Contacts: - with any questions or comments.
Last Update – 1st Nov. 2018
Start after 16 counts
(* observe the style notes)
S1: Toe strut, Toe strut, Shuffle, Back shuffle, Shuffle 1/2 turn
1 & 2 &RF toe fwd, RF drop heel, LF toe fwd, LF drop heel
3 & 4RF fwd (* on toes), LF together (* flat), RF step next to LF
5 & 6 &LF back (* flat), RF together (* on toes), LF back (* flat), RF back (*on toes)
7 & 8LF back (* flat), 1/2 turn R step on RF (* on toe), step LF next to RF (6:00)
S2: Cross point, Side point, Cross, 1/4 turn, Cross point, Side point, Shuffle 1/4 turn
1 2RF cross point, RF point to R side
3 & 4RF cross over LF, 1/4 R LF step back, RF side
5 6LF cross point, LF point to L side
7 & 8LF step behind, RF fwd 1/4 turn R, LF step next to RF (12:00)
S3: Mambo fwd (2x),R Hip bump (2x), Behind side cross
1 & 2RF rock fwd, recover, RF next to LF
3 & 4LF rock fwd, recover, LF next to RF
5 6R hip bump, R hip bump
7 & 8Step RF behind LF, LF step L, RF cross over LF
S4: Side, Circle hip, Sailor 1/4 turn, Kick ball change, Pivot 1/4 turn
1 2Step L to L side, circle hip counter-clockwise
3 & 41/4 turn L stepping LF behind RF, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
5 & 6RF kick fwd, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
7 8Step RF fwd, 1/4 turn L (weight on LF) (06:00)
Ending: Dance Section 1 (only) twice
Contacts: - with any questions or comments.
Last Update – 1st Nov. 2018