CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Forgive Me

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Karen Raines (AUS) - May 2018
Please Forgive Me - David Gray
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Dance starts 8 counts in from the drum beat

Step forward left hold forward right half pivot forward right hold ¼ ½
1234step forward left, hold step forward right, half pivot 6oclock
5678step forward right, hold, step ¼ left 9oclock, step ½ right 3oclock

Cross recover side cross quarter back , side ¼ ¼
1234cross left over right, replace right, step left to the side, cross right over left
5678step ¼ back on left 6oclock, step right to the side, step ¼ left 9oclock, step ¼ right 12oclock

Cross hold, side rock recover cross side behind ¼
1234cross left over right, hold, step right to the side, replace left
5678cross right over left, step left to the side, step right behind left, step ¼ left 9oclock

Forward right hold forward left coaster hold back back
1234step forward right, hold, step forward left, step right beside left
5678step back on left, hold, step back on right, step back on left

Step back right, sweep left behind side forward 1/8 hold walk right left
1234step back on right, sweep left back, left behind right, step right to the side
5678step left forward 1/8 10.30, hold, step forward right, step forward left

Forward right hold recover back back sweep right sweep left
1234step forward right, hold, replace left, step back on right,
5678step back on left, # sweep right, step right behind left, sweep left

Step left behind right sweep right straightening to front wall behind side cross hold ¼ ½
1234step left behind right, sweep right straightening to front wall 12oclock, step right behind left, step left to the side
5678cross right over left, hold, ¼ back on left 3oclock , ½ step on right 9oclock

Forward left, hold , recover , back , right toe back, half pivot rock back recover
1234step forward left, hold, replace right, step back on left,
5678place right toe behind left, ½ pivot 3oclock , rock back on right, replace left

Forward right ¼ behind side cross quarter back, ¼ , sweep ¼
1234step forward right, step ¼ left 6oclock ,step right behind left, step left to the side
5678cross right over left, step quarter back on left 9oclock, step quarter right 12oclock, sweep left ¼ 3oclock

Cross side behind sweep behind side cross hold
1234cross left over right, step right to the side, step left behind right, sweep right
5678step right behind left, step left to the side, cross right over left, hold

Recover quarter , cross recover side forward right hold spiral full turn on right restart dance
1234recover weight to left foot, ¼ step on right 6oclock , cross left over right, replace right,
5678step left to the side, step forward on right, hold, spiral full turn on right,

Restart dance
# Restart wall 5 count 46,47,48 becomes right sweep straightening to front wall 12oclock , step right behind left, hook left foot in front of right knee, restart
Dance finishes on count 17


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