CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Joyce Country

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Aaron Ealand (UK) - August 2018
Joyce Country Céilí Band - The Saw Doctors
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Begin on the word “Friday”.

Section 1: step R touch in, out, in, L touch in, out, in
1-2Step to right side on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot.
3-4Point left foot out to left side, touch left foot next to right foot.
5-6Step to left side on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot.
7-8Point right foot out to right side, touch right foot next to left

Section 2: R rocking chair recover stomp, ½ reverse rumba box R, shuffle ¼.
1&2&Rock forward on right foot, recover, rock back on right recover.
3-4stomp right foot next to left foot and hold.
5&6Step to right foot to right side, step left foot next to right foot, step Back on right foot.
7&8Step left foot to left side, bring right foot next to left, step ¼ to left on left foot.
Section 3: Step ½ to L, R Step lock, L step lock, R step ¼, L step ¼, R step ¼, L shuffle ¼
1&2&Step ½ turn on right foot to left, Step forward on right foot, step left foot behind right foot,
3&4&Step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot, step right foot behind left foot, step left foot Forward.
5-6Step ¼ turn to right on right heel, step ¼ turn to right on left heel.
7-8&1step ¼ to right on right heel, step ¼ to right on left foot, right foot, left foot.
Section 4: fwd R, fwd L, back L, back R, R heel, L heel, R rocking chair, touch
2&3&Step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot,step back on right foot, step back on Left foot.
4&5&Touch right heel forward, touch left heel forward.
6&7&Rock forward on right foot, recover, rock back on left foot, recover.
8Touch right foot next to left foot.

Restart: Restart during wall 5 facing 3:00 (22 counts in).


Itchy feet September 5, 2018
Another well choreographed dance by Aaron ,love it

linedancersean October 7, 2018
really nice, fits well to music

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