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Flies On The Butter

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Lisen Brixvi (SWE) - August 2018
Flies On The Butter by The Judds
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Intro: 16 counts, start dancing when she sings the word “roof”
[1 – 8] ¼ Turn R, Sweep, Cross, Back, ¼ Turn L, Press, 1 ¼ Turn R, Sweep ¼ Turn R, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn R, Mambo Back 12.00
1Turn ¼ R step R fwd as you sweep L out from back to front 3.00
2&3Cross L over R, step R back, ¼ turn L and press L to L 12.00
4&5Recover weight to R as you ¼ turn R, ½ turn R and step L back, ½ R and step R forward as you sweep L out from back to front - 3.00
6&7¼ turn R while you continue sweeping your L foot into a cross shuffle - 6.00
8&1¼ turn R rock R forward, recover weight to L, big step back on R - 9.00

[9 – 16] Coaster Cross, 1¼ Turn L, Sweep 1/8 L, Diagonal Weave, Cross Rock
2&3Step L back, step R next to L, cross L over R (prep upper body right)
4&5Turn ¼ L and step R back, turn ½ L and step L forward, turn ½ L step R back as you sweep L out from front to back angling body against L corner 5.30
6&7&Traveling diagonally against 7.30 – Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R, step R to R 7.30
8&1Cross L behind R, turn 1/8 R and step R to R, cross rock L over R - 6.00

[17 – 24] Recover, Cross Rock, Back Full Turn, Sweep, Back, ¼ L, Spiral Full Turn, Shuffle Fwd
2&3Rec Weight R, Step L Next To R, Cross Rock R over L (prep upper body L)
4&5Rec weight to L as you start turn ½ R, finish your turn and step R forward, turn ½ R and step left back start sweeping right out from front to back 6.00
6&7Cross R behind L, turn ¼ L and step L fwd, step R fwd and spiral turn over L shoulder 3.00
8&1Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd
[25 – 32] Rock & Coaster Cross & Side Rock, Cross, ¼ L, ¼ L, Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R
2&Rock R fwd, recover weight to L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, cross R over L
&5Rock L to L, recover weight to R
6&7Cross L over R, turn ¼ L and step R back, turn ¼ L and step L to L 9.00
8&Cross R over L, turn ¼ R and step L back, 3.00
(1) Turn ½ R , sweep L(First Step Of The Dance)
Restart: Restart during 4 wall after count 8& in your first sequence.
Facing 6 o’clock do your rock, recover on 8& and then restart the dance without your first ¼ turn by just stepping fwd on R and sweep L around.


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