CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Stina-Eliza Sild - August 2018
CNCO, Little Mix - Reggaeton Lento
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Intro - 10 sec. Start with word SEE

R mambo fwd, L mambo back, cross side behind, hitch L , L lockstep fwd
1&2rock R forward, recover on L, step R back
3&4rock L back, recover on R, step L forward
5&6cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R behind L
&hitch L up to 1:30
7&8step L forward, lock R behind L, step R forward (1:30)

R pivot 1/2, R lockstep, touch L, 1/4 turn L, R coasterstep
1,2step R forward, turn 1/2 left 7:30
3&4step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
5touch L next to R 7:30
6drop heel with 1/4 turn left (weight onto left)
7&8step back on R, step L next to R, step R forward

Cross side behind side, L cross rock, , cross side behind side, R cross rock
1&2&cross L over R, step R to right side, step L behind R, step to right side
3,4 &cross rock L over R, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6&cross R over L, step L to left side, step R behind L, step L to left side
7,8cross rock R over L, recover on L

R shuffle, L rock fwd, L slide back, R slide back
1&2step R forward, step L next to R, step R forward
3,4rock forward L, recover on R
5,6big step back on L, drag R towards L
7,8big step back on R, drag L towards R (step onto left)

Sway R+L, R cross samba, L cross samba, pivot 1/2 left
1step R to right side and sway hip to the right
2sway L hip to the left
3&4cross/step R over L, step L to left side, recover weight onto R (samba step)
5&6cross/step L over R, step R right side, recover weight onto L (samba step)
7,8step R forward, turn 1/2 left

R rocking chair, pivot 1/2 left, R rocking chair, side rock touch
1&2&rock forward R, recover on L, rock back R, recover on L
3,4step R forward, turn 1/2 left
5&6&rock forward R, recover on L, rock back R, recover on L
7&8rock R side, recover on L, touch R next to L

Step R side, step L side, R shuffle, full turn right
1,2step R to right side, little bodyroll with pushing hands down by your side
3,4step L to left side, little bodyroll with pushing hands down by your side
5&6step R forward, step L next to R, step R forward
7,8step fwd L as you make full spiral turn right (weight ends L)

R rock forward, R coasterstep, L rock forward, L coasterstep
1,2rock forward R, recover on L (with hip sway)
3&4step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5,6rock forward L, recover on R (with hip sway)
7&8step L back, step R next to L, step L forward


Pismo August 18, 2018
Demo is gone? NO GO!

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