CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gemma Ridyard (UK) - August 2018
Sanctify - Years & Years
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S1: L step ½ step, R Syncopated Rocking Chair, R hitch ball step, R forward, ½ L step back, close R to L
1&2Step L forward, pivot ½ turn R , step L forward
3&4&Rock R forward, replace weight to L, rock R back, replace weight forward to L
5&6Hitch R knee forward, step R next to L, step L forward
7&8step R forward, make a ½ turn R step L back, close R to L (12.00)

S2: L Kick ball step, hold, knee pop, ½ turn L, ½ L step R back hitching L knee, hold, cross L behind, R to R side
1&2Kick L forward, step L a small step back, step R forward
3&4hold, pop both knees forward lifting both heels, drop both heels straighten knees
5 6Turn a ½ turn L stepping L forward, turn a ½ turn L step R back as you hitch L knee
7&8hold, cross L behind R, step R to R side

S3: L cross ¼ R step back step L to L, hold, knee pop, run run, touch L back, ½ look L, ½ L R
1&2Cross L over R, make a ¼ turn L step R back, step L to L side
3&4Hold, pop both knees forward lifting both heels throwing both arms forward from hip height, drop both heels straighten knees
5&6Step L back, Step R back, touch L toe back stacking arms in front of chest R under L
7 8Keeping arms folded, unwind ½ turn L transfer weight to L, unwind ½ turn R transfer weight to R
S4: Hitch step with arm circle, Reach R Reach L pull in, bounce heels ½ turn R, step L forward, hold (Arm styling)
1 2Hitch L knee out as you circle arms out and over head (1) cross L over R bending knees and stacking arms R under L (2)
3&4Keeping knees bent reach R arm forward (3) reach L arm forward (&) pull both hands in to hip height in fists (4)
5&6Bouncing both heels x3 make a ½ turn R
7 8Step L forward as you bring L hand to chest bone (think about praying) as R hand crosses L back of hands are together (7) bring R hand to L in a pray position
*Restart here with step change on wall 5 dance up to count 6 - on count 7 make a ¼ turn R touch L next to continue with pray hand*

S5: Step R to R diagonal, step L to L diagonal, R triple step, Step L to L diagonal, step R to R diagonal, L triple step
1 2Step R forward to R diagonal, step L forward to L diagonal
3&4step R to R corner, close L to R, step R to R corner
5 6Step L forward to L diagonal, step R forward to R diagonal
7&8step L to L corner, close R to L, step L to L corner
*styling bend knees arms press out wide slowly from the pray position *

S6: Turning back R triple ¾ turn, turn ½ L cross shuffle, triple step full turn R, close L to R reach R arm up pull down to pray
1&2Triple turn back over R shoulder (R,L,R) (12.00)
3&4make a ½ L cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5&6Triple full turn back over R shoulder
7 8Close L to R as you reach R arm above head in a pray (7) bring R hand down to chest height (8)

Happy Dancing!

Love Gem XOXO

Two step dolly August 17, 2018
This to me is not Linedancing looks more like an audition for a stage dancer

Gembles August 17, 2018
The good thing about line dancing is there are many different styles to suit everybody, from mainline & New line to competition, I love them all

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