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Our Time To Go

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Intermediate - Rolling 8-Count v waltz
David Ackerman (USA) - July 2018
Our Time to Go - State Champs
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Sequence: 24, 32, Tag, 24, 32, 24, 32, 24

Intro: 8 counts

[1-8] Step L w/ R Sweep, Cross, ¼ Turn, Together, Full Spiral Turn, Forward Balance Step, Back Twinkles LR, Back, ⅜ Turn Rond de Jambe, Step
1,2&aStep L forward as you sweep R from back to front, Cross R over L, Make a ¼ Turn right stepping L back (3:00), Step R next to L
3,4&aStep L forward as you turn a full turn right, Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R next to L
5&a,6&aCross L behind R, Step R to right side, Recover weight L, Cross R behind L, Step L to left side, Recover weight R
7&,8Step L back, Make a ⅜ turn right while drawing a clockwise circle with R foot ending with toe pointing toward 7:30, Step R forward

[9-16] Cross-Rock-Recover, Weave, Sway x2, ½ Diamond, Cross, Side R, Behind, Unwind ¾
1&a,2&aCross L over R, Step R to right side as you square up to 6:00, Recover weight L, Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R behind L
3,4Step L to left side as you sway body left, recover weight R as you sway your body right
5&a,6&aCross L over R, Make ⅛ turn left stepping R to right side, Make ⅛ turn left stepping L back (3:00), Step R behind L, Make ⅛ turn left stepping L to left side, Make ⅛ turn left stepping R forward (12:00)
7a,8Cross L over R, Step R to right side (a), Step L behind R as you make a ¾ turn unwinding left (3:00)

[17-24] Run RLR, Step L w/ R Kick, Run Back ½ Turn, Step L w/ R Kick, Back Sweep, Back Sweep, Coaster, Full Turn, Step
1&a,2Step R forward, Step L forward, Step R forward, Step L forward as you kick R low,
3&a,4Step R back, Make ½ turn left stepping L forward (9:00), Step R forward, Step L forward as you kick R low
5,6Step R back sweeping L from front to back, Step L back sweeping R from front to back
7&a8aStep R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward prepping the body by drawing the L shoulder back, Make a full turn right stepping L forward, Step R forward (a)
*Restarts happen here on walls 1, 3 and 5

[25-32] Step L w/ Sweep, Cross-Rock-Recover, Fall away Turn, Back, Together, Prep Turns LR
1,2&aStep L forward sweeping R from back to front, Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Recover weight R
3,4&aCross L over R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping L back, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R forward, Make a ½ turn left stepping L back (For this turn you are making a full turn but moving straight back. Keep your legs in the same position and just turn on the balls of your feet)
5,6Step L back, Step R next to L
7&a,8&aStep L forward prepping the body to turn left by drawing the R shoulder back, Make a ½ turn left stepping R, Make a ½ turn left stepping L, Step R forward preppping the body to turn right by drawing the L shoulder back, Make a ½ turn right stepping L, Make a ½ turn right stepping R

Tag: End of wall 2 facing 6:00
[1-4] Step L w/ R Sweep Forward, Cross, L point, Step L w/ R Sweep Back, Cross, L point
1,2&Step L forward as you sweep R from back to front, Cross R over L, Point L to left side (&)
3,4&Step L back as you sweep R from front to back, Step R behind L, Point L to left side (&)

Restarts: Restarts happen on walls 1,3 and 5 after 24 counts. You will restart on all the front and back walls while doing the full dance for all the side walls.

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