CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Things Change

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Alison Wixley (UK) - February 2018
"The More Things Change the More They Stay The Same" by Bon Jovi
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(Intro 16 counts)

[1-8] Sailor Step twice, Jazz box right turning ¼ to the right
1&2Cross Rf behind Lf, Step Lf to L side, Step Rf to R side
3&4Cross Lf behind Rf, Step Rf to R side, Step Lf to L side
5,6Cross Rf over Lf, Step back on Lf, turning ¼ to face 03:00
7,8Step Rf to R side, Step forward on Lf

[9-16] Vaudeville right, Vaudeville left
1,2Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF
&3&4Step RF to R side, touch L heel to diagonal, step LF behind RF, Step RF across LF
5,6Step LF to L side, Cross RF behind LF
&7&8Step LF to L side, touch R heel to diagonal, step RF behind LF, Step LF across RF
Restart after 16 on walls 4 & 8

[17-24] Kick ball change right twice, pivot ½ to left (09:00) out out in in
1&2Kick RF, step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
3&4Kick RF, step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
5,6Step RF forward, ½ turn to face 09:00, weight on LF
&7&8Step RF out diagonally, step LF out diagonally, step RF in, step LF in

[25-32] Kick, kick, sailor step on right turning ¼ to right, repeat on left
1,2Kick Rf front, Kick Rf side
3&4Cross Rf behind Lf turning ¼ R to face 12:00, Step Lf to L side, Step Rf to R side
5,6Kick Lf front, Kick Lf side
7&8Cross Lf behind Rf turning ¼ L to face 09:00, Step Rf to R side, Step Lf to L side

*Tag after walls 2 & 10
[1-8] heel hitch heel, coaster step slide to left
1&2Touch R heel diagonally to the front, hitch, touch again
3&4Step back Rf, touch Lf next to RF, step forward Rf
5,6Big step to Lf to Ls
7,8Drag Rg slowly to touch Lf

[9-16] Slow pivot half x 2 (on second tag hip bump X 2)
5,6Step Lf forward, pivot ½, hold
7,8Step Lf forward, pivot ½, hold
(9,10 Hip bump twice left hip)


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