CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ain't Much Left

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Fred Knopp (AUS) - February 2018
Ain't Much Left of Lovin' You - Randy Montana
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Left side rock, cross shuffle, ¼ turn, ½ turn, military ½ turn.
1 – 4Left side rock, recover weight onto right, cross left foot over right, step right to right side, cross left foot over right. (1,2,3&4)
5 – 8Step back on right foot with ¼ turn left, step back on left foot with ½ turn left, step right foot forward with military ½ turn left, weight onto left foot. (5,6,7,8)

Right cross ball change, left cross ball change, rock, recover, ¾ shuffle.
9 – 12Cross right foot over left, step left to left side, recover weight onto right foot, cross left foot over right step right to right side, recover weight onto left foot. (9&10, 11&12)
13 – 16Rock forward onto right foot, recover weight onto left foot, ¾ shuffle turning right, (shuffling right, left, right). (13, 14, 15&16)

Rock step, coaster cross, side rock, behind side cross.
17 – 20Rock forward onto left foot, recover weight onto right foot, step left back, step right beside left, step left across right, (17, 18, 19&20)
21 – 24Rock weight onto right foot, recover weight onto left foot, step right behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left. (21,22,23&24)

¼, ¼, cross shuffle, ¼, ½, forward shuffle.
25 – 28Step left foot back with ¼ turn right, step right foot back with ¼ turn right, cross left foot across right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot across right. (25, 26, 27&28)
29 – 32Step right foot back with ¼ turn left, step left foot back with ½ turn left, shuffle forward right, left, right. (29, 30, 31&32)

Variation: For count 31&32, can change the shuffle to a full turn left, stepping left right left as you make the full turn.

This dance was actually choreographed by Fred back in 2010 when the song first came out, however he hadn’t had a chance to write the dance sheet, so I decided to do it for him.
I am a firm believer that good things come to those that wait, but if I continue to wait for him to write this dance, we will both be in retirement homes and no one else in the world will have the chance to enjoy it.
I’m fussy about what I like, and this dance is my second favourite dance ever…
So thanks Fred... for a great dance!!!

Contact: Submitted by Heather Rowe -

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