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A Night Like This

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Lisa Molkner Foord (AUS) & Marie Williams (AUS) - January 2018
On a Night Like This - Jason Blaine : (Album: Jason Blaine Life So Far - 3:32)
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INTRO: Dance begins after count 32, Start: Feet together weight on L.

(1-8) B ox pattern- R side Shuffle, ¼ turn L & L side shuffle, ¼ turn L & R side shuffle, ¼ turn L & L side shuffle
1&2,3&4Step R to R, step L beside R, step R to R, turn ¼ L (90deg) stepping L to L, step R beside L, step L to L (9:00)
5&6,Turn ¼ L (90deg) stepping R to R, step L beside R, step R to R (6:00)
7&8Turn ¼ L (90deg) stepping L to L, step R beside L, step L to L (3:00)

(9-16) Turn ¼ L stepping R, behind, R heel Jack, step, across, step L, behind, L heel Jack, step, across
1,2&3,4Turn ¼ L (90deg) Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, place L heel 45deg L, step L in place, step R across L
5,6&7,8Step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L, place R heel 45deg R, step R in place, step L across R (12:00)

(17-24) Moving fwd- R heel Jack, step, across. L heel jack, step, across, Rock fwd, replace, ½ turn R fwd shuffle
&1&2Step R to R, place L heel 45deg L, step L in place, step R across L
&3&4step L to L, place R heel 45deg R, step R in place , step L across R
5,6,7&8rock fwd onto R, step L in place, turning ½ (180deg) R stepping fwd on R, step L beside, step fwd on R (6:00)

(25-32) Turning ½ turn over R, walk back L,R, L coaster step, walk fwd R, L, R kick ball change
1,2,3&4Turning ½ (180deg) over R stepping back on L, step back on R, step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
5,6,7&8walk fwd R, walk fwd L, kick R foot fwd, step R beside L, step L in place (12:00)

(33-40) Step into R hips bumps -R,L,R,L,R, step into L hips bumps-L,R,L,R,L
1,2,3&4Step R fwd 45deg R bumping R hip fwd, bump L hip back, bump R hip fwd, bump L hip back, bump R hip fwd
5,6,7&8step L fwd 45deg L bumping L hip fwd, bump R hip back, bump R hip fwd, bump L hip back, bump L hip fwd

(41-48) R sailor, L sailor, R sailor, touch behind unwind ½ turn L
1&2,3&4Step R behind L, step L to L, step R in place, step L behind R, step R to R, step L in place
5&6,7,8step R behind L, step L to L, step R in place, touch L behind R unwind ½ turn L(180deg) take weight onto L (6:00)

(49-56) Step into R hip bumps-R,L,R,L,R, step into L hip bumps-L,R,L,R,L
1,2,3&4Step R fwd 45deg R bumping R hip fwd, bump L hip back, bump R hip fwd, bump L hip back, bump R hip fwd
5&6,7,8step L fwd 45deg L bumping hip fwd, bump R hip back, bump L hip fwd, bump R hip back, bump L hip fwd

(57-64) R sailor, L sailor, R box step finishing with feet together & a clap
1&2,3&4Step R behind L, step L to L, step R in place, step L behind R, step R to R, step L in place
5,6,7,8step R across front of L, step L back, step R to R, step L beside R & clap hands together

Begin again.

TAG: 8 Counts. Walls: 3 & 6 dance counts 1-16 then do 8 count TAG then Restart dance (12:00)
Note- TAG is the same as counts 9-16 of the dance without the ¼ turn at start on count 9
1,2&3Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, place L heel 45deg L, step L in place, step R across L
5,6&8step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L, place R heel 45deg R, step R in place, step L across R .

Any inquiries contact Lisa on- 0412438450 email:

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