Intro: 24 counts from the beginning, 11 sec. into track - dance begins with weight on R
[1-6] Fwd. with sweep 1/4, cross side behind
1-2-3(1-2-3) Step fwd. on L sweeping R from back to front making 1/4 turn L 9.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R behind L 9.00
[7-12] 1/4 , point, hold, 3/4 Monterey, side rock
1-2-3(1) Turn 1/4 L, (2) point R to R, (3) hold 6.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 3/4 R and step R next to L, (5) rock L to L, (6) recover onto R 3.00
[13-18] L twinkle, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R diagonally fwd. R, (3) step L diagonally fwd. L 3.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L diagonally fwd. L, (6) step R diagonally fwd. R 3.00
[19-24] Cross shuffle, 1/4, side, cross
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) cross L over R 3.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R over L 12.00
[25-30] Side, hold and prep for turning, L full turn
1-2-3(1) Step L to L (2-3) angle your body towards R diagonal prepping to turn L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Recover onto R making full turn L on ball of R leaving L foot free to cross over R 12.00
[31-36] Diamond 1/4 L
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) turn 1/8 L crossing L slightly behind R 10.30
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) turn 1/8 stepping L to L, (6) cross R over L 9.00
[37-42] Rock, 1/4, recover, 1/4 ,
1-2-3(1) Rock L to L, (2) on ball of L make 1/4 R, (3) recover onto R 9.00
4-5-6(4-5) Turn 1/4 R and on ball of L continue another 1/2 R, (6) step R to R 9.00
[43-48] Cross, sweep, R twinkle
1-2-3(1-2-3) Cross L over R sweeping R from back to front, 9.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L diagonally fwd. L, (6) step R diagonally fwd. R 9.00
Ending Wall 9 is the last wall and starts facing 12.00 – last 3 counts (45-48) just twinkle 1/4 R and finish at 12.00
[1-6] Fwd. with sweep 1/4, cross side behind
1-2-3(1-2-3) Step fwd. on L sweeping R from back to front making 1/4 turn L 9.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R behind L 9.00
[7-12] 1/4 , point, hold, 3/4 Monterey, side rock
1-2-3(1) Turn 1/4 L, (2) point R to R, (3) hold 6.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 3/4 R and step R next to L, (5) rock L to L, (6) recover onto R 3.00
[13-18] L twinkle, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R diagonally fwd. R, (3) step L diagonally fwd. L 3.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L diagonally fwd. L, (6) step R diagonally fwd. R 3.00
[19-24] Cross shuffle, 1/4, side, cross
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) cross L over R 3.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (5) step L to L, (6) cross R over L 12.00
[25-30] Side, hold and prep for turning, L full turn
1-2-3(1) Step L to L (2-3) angle your body towards R diagonal prepping to turn L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Recover onto R making full turn L on ball of R leaving L foot free to cross over R 12.00
[31-36] Diamond 1/4 L
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) step R to R, (3) turn 1/8 L crossing L slightly behind R 10.30
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) turn 1/8 stepping L to L, (6) cross R over L 9.00
[37-42] Rock, 1/4, recover, 1/4 ,
1-2-3(1) Rock L to L, (2) on ball of L make 1/4 R, (3) recover onto R 9.00
4-5-6(4-5) Turn 1/4 R and on ball of L continue another 1/2 R, (6) step R to R 9.00
[43-48] Cross, sweep, R twinkle
1-2-3(1-2-3) Cross L over R sweeping R from back to front, 9.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) step L diagonally fwd. L, (6) step R diagonally fwd. R 9.00
Ending Wall 9 is the last wall and starts facing 12.00 – last 3 counts (45-48) just twinkle 1/4 R and finish at 12.00