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Looking Back Now

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Improver / Intermediate NC2
Peter Davenport (ES) - February 2018
Looking Back Now - Maggie Rose
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#16 Count Intro, Start on second set of Lyrics, Approx. 11 Seconds

S1: Step Pivot ½ R, Shuffle, Walk Forward, Side Rock Step Forward Brush
1.2Step forward on L, Pivot ½ R, (lean back weight on L) 12
3&4Shuffle forward, R.L.R 6
5.6Walk forward L.R (cross your steps) 6
7&8&Rock L out to L, Recover on R, Cross, Step forward on L, Brush R 6

S2: Step Brush x 2 Mambo ½ R, ¼ Syncopated Weave, Touch Unwind
1&2&Step R, Brush L, Step L, Brush R (swagger these steps) 6
3&4Mambo ½ R 12
5&6&Step forward on L (5) Pivot ¼ (&), Cross L over R (6) Step R to R (&) 3
7.8Touch L toe back, Unwind ½ L (weight on L) 9

S3: NCs, Step R, Spiral Full Turn, Shuffle Forward & Brush
1.2&Long slide R, Drag L behind R step on L, Recover on R 9
3.4&Long slide L, Drag R behind L step on R, Recover on L 9
5.6Step forward on R, Spiral full turn L bringing L foot up in a figure 4 slow 9
7&8&Shuffle forward L.R.L, Brush R, 9

S4: Rock Step, Step ¼ L Cross, Sweep Over Side Behind, Sweep Behind Side Cross
1&2&Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Forward on L 9
3&4&Step forward on R, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R over L, Start to sweep L over R 6
5&6&Step on L, Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Start to sweep R behind L 6
7&8Step on R, Step L to L, Cross R over L, (these are designed to flow ) 6

S5: NCs, Step L, Reverse ½ L, Coaster Step, Brush
1.2&Long slide L, Drag R behind L step on R, Recover on L 6
3.4&Long slide R, Drag L behind R step on L, Recover on R 6
5.6Step forward on L, ½ L step back on R 12
7&8&L coaster step, Brush R, 12

S6: Rock Step, Step ½ Step, Rock Replace Step Back, Coaster Step
1&2&Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L 12
3&4Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L, Step forward on R 6
5&6Rock forward on L, Recover on R, Step back on L, 6
7&8R coaster step 6

Tag: At the end of wall 4, the music is silenced by 2 counts, after counts 7&8& on section 6 simple walk forward L.R.
Restart the dance again.


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