CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Perfect Tonight

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Lu Stead - January 2018
Perfect Symphony - Ed Sheeran & Andrea Bocelli
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or Perfect – Ed Sheeran

Intro: 8 Counts or Start on Lyrics

S1: Walk forward LR. Rock forward L recover R. Step L next to R. Basic NC RL
1-2Step forward L. Sweep R to front. Step forward on R
3-4Sweep L to front. Rock forward on L. Recover R
&Step L next to R
5-6Big step R to R sliding left foot to rock behind R
&Cross R over L
7-8Big step L to L sliding right foot to rock behind L
&Step L next to R

S2: Forward R. Pivot ½ L. Walk RL. Cross rock R recover L. Step R next to L. Cross rock L recover R
1Step forward R
2½ pivot turn L (6.00)
3-4Walk forward RL dragging toes
5-6Cross rock R over L. Recover L
&Step R next to L
7-8Cross rock L over R. Recover R

S3: ¼ turn L on L (3.00). Point R to R. Cross R over L. Point L to L. Rock forward L recover R. Step L next to R. Rock back R recover L. Step R next to L
1-2¼ turn L stepping forward on L. Point R to R
3-4Cross R over L. Point L to L
5-6Rock forward L recover R
&Step L next to R
7-8Rock back R recover L
&Step R next to L

S4: Forward L. ¼ turn R stepping R to R. Cross L over R. Touch R next to L. Basic NC R. Sway sway
1-2Step forward L. ¼ turn R stepping R to R (6.00)
3-4Cross L over R. Touch R next to L
5-6Big step R to R sliding L foot to rock behind R
&Cross R over L
7-8Sway sway LR weight ending on R

Tag (end of wall 3 facing 6.00) and Tag X2 (end of wall 6 facing 6.00 and 12.00)
1-2Step L into L diagonal rising slightly on toes (4.30) hitching R knee. Recover R
&Step L next to R straightening to 6.00
3-4Step R into R diagonal rising slightly on toes (7.30) hitching L knee. Recover L
&Step R next to L straightening to 6.00
5-8Stepping forward on L making a ½ turn L walking LRLR dragging toes

At the end of the 2nd Tag repeat, complete the 4 step walking turn at 3.00 (not 6.00) then re-join the dance at S3 with a step forward on L.
This means the dance will end at 12.00 with the sway sway – and a smile!


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