CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Feels With Me

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Phrased Improver
Tri Artiyanti (INA), Irene (INA) & Anna (INA) - November 2017
Feels by Calvin Harris
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Sequence: AA AA AA BB AA
Dance begins on Main vocal

A. 32 counts
A1: Walk Forward R L, out – out, Ball cross, side touch, back touch
1 2Walk forward R L
&3RF step R, LF step L
&4RF step back to centre, LF crossover RF
5 6R slide Right, L touch beside R
7 8L step back, R touch beside L

A2: Hip bump/toe strut R L, Kick Ball Touch R L
1 & 2Step ball of R diagonal R and bump hip Right(1), Bump hip Left (&),Step R down and bump hip Right (2)
3 & 4Step ball of L diagonal L and bump hip Left (1), Bump hip Right (&), Step L down and bump hip Left (2)
5&6Kick RF, step R in place, touch LF in left side
7&8Kick LF, step L in place , touch RF in right side

A3: Rock Recover, ½ turn R shuffle, Out-out,in in, swivel
1 2Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4¼ turn R step R to right side, step L next to R, ¼ turn R step R forward
5 6L out, R out
&7L step back to centre, R step close beside L
&8Twist Heels to R – L

A4: Cross Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, ¾ turn L walk L R Forward shuffle
1 2L cross rock, Recover on R
&3Step L side, R cross LF
&4Step L side, R cross over LF
5 6¾ turn L, Step L R
7&8step LF, step R next to L, step L forward

B. 32 counts
B1: Hitches (arms) out x2, In Step, Press, Knee
1&2&Hitch R(1), Step R to R side (&) Hitch L (2), Step L to L side
3&4&Hitch R(3), Touch R down to R side (&), Hitch R (4), Step R to R side (&)
5 6Step L Back Diagonal Body Wave, Touch R next to L
7 8Step R Back Diagonal Body Wave, Step L next to R

B2: Side Touch, Close,Side Touch, Close,Side Touch, Knee in-out, Sailor, Sailor ½ turn
1&2&R Side Touch, close R next to L, L Side Touch, close L next to R
3&4R Side Touch, R Knee in – out
5&6R Cross Behind L, L step L side, R step R side
7&8turn ½ left, L Cross Behind R, R Step R side, L step L side

B3: Step Forward, Hitch, Coaster step, Side Steps Right ( with Knee Pops), Side Steps Left ( with Knee Pops)
1 2Step R Forward, Hitch on L
3&4Step L Back, Step R close to L, Step L Forward
5Step R to R on ball of both feet and knee pop both knees out
&Step L next to R on ball of both feet and close knees
6Step R to R on ball of both feet and knee pop both knees out
&Step L next to R on ball of both feet and close knees
7Step L to L on ball of both feet and knee pop both knees out
&Step R next to L on ball of both feet and close knees
8Step L to L on ball of both feet and knee pop both knees out
&Step R to L on ball of both feet and knee pop both close knees

B4: Pivot ½ , Pivot ½ , V Step
1 2Step R forward, turn ½ L , Step L Forward
3 4Step R forward, turn ½ L , Step L Forward
5 6Step R Diagonal Forward, Step L Diagonal Forward
7 8Step R Back to centre, Step L close beside R

Thank you and have fun


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