CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 156562
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Dear Life

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Andrina K Faulds (SCO) - November 2017
Dear Life - High Valley
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Count in: 16 - Details: No Tags or Restarts

Section 1: Side shuffle to the right, ¼ left turn side shuffle, ¼ turn right side shuffle (half turn in 3 side shuffles to face the back), left sailor step
1&2Step side on right foot (1), close left foot besides right (&), step side on right foot (2)
3&4Step ¼ left on left foot (3), close right foot besides left (&), step side on left foot (4)
5&6Step ¼ left on right foot (5), close left foot besides right (&), step side on right foot (6)
7&8Step left foot behind right foot (7), step right to right side (&), step left foot in place (8)

Section 2: Step right behind left, step left to left side, right cross shuffle, switches left and right, bring right toe in and point left to left side to drag in beside right and put weight down
1-2Step right behind left foot (1), step left to left side (2)
3&4Step forward on right foot crossing over left (3), close left foot besides right (&), step forward on right foot (4)
5&6Touch left toe side (5), step left foot to place (&), touch right toe to side (6)
&7-8Step left foot in place (&), touch left toe to left side (7), drag left toe in beside right keeping weight on left (8)

Section 3: Figure eight turning right ending with ¼ left
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Step right foot to right side (1), cross left foot behind right (2), step right making 1/4 turn right (3), step forward on left (4), make 1/2 turn right stepping onto right foot (5), made 1/4 turn right stepping onto left foot (6), cross right foot behind left (7), step left foot to left side making a ¼ left (8)

Section 4: Heal switches right and left, right rock recover, jump back right left x3 keeping weight on left to finish, touching right next to left
1&2Touch right heel forward (1), step right foot to place (&), touch left heel forward (2)
&3-4Bring left foot back next to right (&), rock forward on right foot (3), rocking back onto left foot (4)
5&6&7&8Jump back right (5) left (&), jump back right (6) left (&), jump back right and left (&) keeping weight on left to finish touching right next to left (8)

Ending – Dance up until the end of section 8 and you will finish at the front at the end of your figure of 8


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