Intro: 32 Counts
For a little challenge, please consider checking out “Sweet Caroline” choreographed by Darren Bailey.
Love You More is Part A of Sweet Caroline.
Point R, Touch, Slide R, Touch, Point L, Touch, Slide L, Touch
1-2Point RF to R side, Touch RF next to LF
3-4Take a big step to the R, Drag LF next to RF finishing with a touch
5-6Point LF to L side, Touch LF next to RF
7-8Take a big step to the L, Drag RF next to LF finishing with a touch
Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In, Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In
1-2Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
3-4Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
5-6Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
7-8Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
R Vine, Touch, L Vine, Touch
1-2Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF
5-6Step LF to L side, Cross RF behind LF
7-8Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to LF
Walk forward x3, Kick, Walk back x3, Touch
1-2Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
3-4Step forward on RF, Kick LF forward
5-6Step back on LF, Step back on RF
7-8Step back on LF, Touch RF next to LF
Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.
For a little challenge, please consider checking out “Sweet Caroline” choreographed by Darren Bailey.
Love You More is Part A of Sweet Caroline.
Point R, Touch, Slide R, Touch, Point L, Touch, Slide L, Touch
1-2Point RF to R side, Touch RF next to LF
3-4Take a big step to the R, Drag LF next to RF finishing with a touch
5-6Point LF to L side, Touch LF next to RF
7-8Take a big step to the L, Drag RF next to LF finishing with a touch
Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In, Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In
1-2Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
3-4Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
5-6Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
7-8Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
R Vine, Touch, L Vine, Touch
1-2Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF
5-6Step LF to L side, Cross RF behind LF
7-8Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to LF
Walk forward x3, Kick, Walk back x3, Touch
1-2Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
3-4Step forward on RF, Kick LF forward
5-6Step back on LF, Step back on RF
7-8Step back on LF, Touch RF next to LF
Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.