CopperKnob Stepsheets

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2 High

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Brenda Shatto (USA) & Barbara Tobin (USA) - October 2017
Two High - Moon Taxi : (amazon)
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Order: ABC ABCC AB(short)B(short)CC A(to the end)
Intro: 16 counts. Start with weight on R

A SECTION (40 counts)
A(1-8) Rock forward, recover, 1/4 left turn step, drag, rock back, recover, step, drag
1-4Rock L forward, recover, 1/4 left turn step L to left, drag R next to L [9:00]
5-8Rock R back, recover L, step R to right, drag L next to R

A(9-16) Rock back, recover 1/8 left, step full spiral turn right, walk x3, hitch 3/8 right turn
1-4Rock L back, recover 1/8 left turn, step L forward make full spiral turn right on L [7:30]
5-8Walk R, L, R, hitch L 3/8 right turn pivot on ball of R [12:00]

A(17-24) Cross rock, recover, side, hold x2
1-4Cross rock L over R, recover R, step L to left, hold
5-8Cross rock R over L, recover L, step R to right, hold

A(25-32) Cross rock behind, recover, 1/2 left cross shuffle, 1/2 right cross shuffle, 1/2 left cross shuffle
1,2Cross rock L behind R, recover R
3&4Pivot 1/2 left turn on R and cross step L over R, step R to right, cross step L over R [6:00]
5&61/2 right turn cross step R over L, step L to left, cross step R over L [12:00]
7&81/2 left turn cross step L over R, step R to right, cross step L over R [6:00]

A(33-40) Rock, 1/4 left turn pivot, step, 3/4 left turn, step, cross shuffle, back, close
1,2Rock R to right, 1/4 left turn step L forward [3:00]
3,41/2 left turn step R back, 1/4 left turn step L to left [6:00]
5&6Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L
7,8Step L back, step R next to L

B SECTION (38 counts) Facing [6:00] first time
B(1-8) V Step with arms, samba x2
1,2Step L forward to left diagonal raise left arm, step R forward to R diagonal raise right arm
3,4Step L back (arms down), step R next to L
5&6Cross L over R, step ball of R to right, recover to L
7&8Cross R over L, step ball of L to left, recover to R

B(9-16) Full right turn paddles, step hitch x2
1,21/4 right turn on R ball touch L to left, 1/4 right turn on R ball touch L to left [12:00]
3,41/4 right turn on R ball touch L to left, 1/4 right turn on R ball touch L to left [6:00]
5-8Step L to left, hitch R next to L, step R to right, hitch L next to R

B(17-24) 1/4 left turn step with flick, step, 3/4 right turn, 1/2 left turn circle walk around
1,21/4 left turn step L forward while flicking R behind, step R forward [3:00]
3,41/4 right turn step L to left [6:00], 1/2 right turn step R to right [12:00]
5,6Step L forward, 1/8 left turn step R forward [10:30]
7,81/4 left turn step L forward, 1/8 left turn step R forward [6:00]

B(25-32) Cross, side, 1/4 right turn sailor, walk back x3, 3/8 left turn sweep front to back
1,2Cross L over R, step R to right
3&4Cross L behind R, 1/4 right turn step R to right, step L to left [9:00]
5-8Step R back, step L back, step R back, 3/8 left turn sweep L from front to back [4:30]
Drop the following 6 counts on the 3rd and 4th B Sections:

B(33-38) Step/rock forward hip sway, rock sway back/forward/back, hold
1,2Step/rock L forward to [4:30] with forward hip sway over 2 counts
3,4Rock/sway back on R, rock/sway forward on L
5,6Rock/sway back on R over 2 counts

C SECTION (16 counts) Facing [6:00] first time
C(1-8) Make full left circle (1st half of Figure 8): left triple, right triple, walk x2, left triple
1&21/4 left turn step L forward, close R, step L forward [ease towards 3:00]
3&41/4 left turn step R forward, close L, step R forward [ease towards 12:00]
5,61/4 left turn walk L, walk R [ease towards 9:00]
7&81/4 left turn step L forward, close R, step L forward [ease towards 6:00]

C(9-16) Make full right circle (2st half of Figure 8): right triple, left triple, walk x2, right triple
1&21/4 right turn step R forward, close L, step R forward [ease towards 9:00]
3&41/4 right turn step L forward, close R, step L forward [ease towards 12:00]
5,61/4 right turn walk R, walk L [ease towards 3:00]
7&81/4 right turn step R forward, close L, step R forward [ease towards 6:00]

Ending: You’ll be dancing A Section as music fades. At 16 counts make the hitch turn to 12:00

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format.
Contact the choreographers with your questions. 10/4/2017 ~
Submitted by - Barbara Tobin:
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