CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love You Too Much

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Phrased Intermediate
Dan Rowan - September 2017
Love You Too Much - Brady Seals
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Start: 16 Counts In - Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, Tag

Part A: 48 Counts
A1: Left heel ball cross traveling left x2, side triple left, rock back recover
1&2Left heel ball cross
3&4Left heel ball cross
5&6Triple step left stepping left together left
7&8Right foot rock back, recover left

A2: Right heel ball cross traveling right x2, side triple right, rock back, recover
1&2Right heel ball cross
3&4Right heel ball cross
5&6Triple step right stepping right together right
7-8Left foot rock back, recover right

A3: Half pivot, triple step, half pivot, triple step
1-2Left foot forward, half pivot to right foot
3&4Forward triple, left, right, left
5-6Right foot forward, half pivot to left foot
7&8Forward triple, right, left, right

A4: Heel jack x2, heel rock, recover, coaster
&1&2Small step back left, right heel touch forward, step back right, step left together
&3&4Small step back right, left heel touch forward, step back left, step right together
&5-6Small step back left, rock forward onto right heel, recover to left
7&8Step right foot back, left foot back to right, right foot forward

**A5: Half pivot, half triple turn, back rock, recover, right triple turning quarter left
1-2Left foot forward, half pivot to right foot
3&4Half turn triple stepping left, right left
5-6Right foot back rock, recover left foot
7&8Triple quarter left stepping right, left, right

**A6: Side switches R & L, forward heel switches R & L, step heel pause clap, step heel pause clap
&1&2Step left, tap right to right, step right, tap left to left
&3&4Step left, touch right heel forward, step right, touch left heel forward
&5-6Step left, touch right heel forward, clap
&7-8Step right, touch left heel forward, clap

Part B: 32 Counts
B1: Cross, point x2, weave, touch
1-2Cross left over right, touch right to side
3-4Cross right over left, touch left to side
5-6-7-8Cross left over right, right out to the side, cross left behind right, touch right to right side

B2: Cross, point x2, weave, touch
1-2Cross right over left, touch left to side
3-4Cross left over right, touch right to side
5-6-7-8Cross right over left, left out to the side, cross right behind left, touch left to left side

B3: Jazz box, quarter turn jazz box
1-2-3-4Left foot over right, right foot back, left out to side, step together
5-6-7-8Left foot over right, right foot back, left quarter turn to left, step together

B4: Step, clap, step, clap, 4 single hip bumps
1-2Step left to side, clap
3-4Step right to side, clap
5-6-7-8Single hip bumps, L, R, L, R

** Tag / End - 16 Counts
Repeat the last 16 counts of Part A to finish dance

Submitted by: Kathy Verkamp -
NancyH May 21, 2019
Great fun dance!

Maree Dancer May 24, 2019
Love this dance. Great fun upbeat west coast swing music, with fun choreography!

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