CopperKnob Stepsheets

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This Feeling Is Real

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Therese Johnsson (SWE) - April 2017
Home - Jack Savoretti : (Album: Written in Scars)
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Intro: 8 count, from the drums are beginning to play.

Sequence of the dance: A, A, A-8 counts, Restart A, Tag, A, A, A- 8 counts, Restart A, A, A(1-16)

A: 32 counts
[1-8]: walk R-L, anchor step fwd, anchor step back, out-out, together, cross
1,2step RF fwd, step LF fwd
3&4step RF behind LF, LF recover, RF Recover
5&6step LF back, RF recover, step LF back
7&8&step RF out( right), step LF out (left), step RF beside LF, cross LF over RF
*Restart comes here

[9-16]: rock-recover,behind-step1/4turning left-step, step, kick, together, step, step-turn 1/2(pivot)
1,2rock RF to right side, recover to LF
3&4step RF behind LF, step LF 1/4 left(09.00) , step RF forward
&5&6step LF forward, kick RF forward, Step RF beside LF step LF forward
7,8step RF, turn 1/2 (03.00)Swing right hip back to front with an attitude!

[17-24]: triple forward, walk L-R-L (turning 1/4), rock forward-recover, coaster step
1&2step RF forward, step LF beside RF, Step RF forward
3,4,5walk L-R-L forward(1/4 turn to wall 06.00)
6&rock RF forward, recover LF
7&8step RF back, step LF beside RF, step RF forward

[25-32]: cross,3/4 turn, rock, recover, hitch L, behind side cross, big step right, together (weight on LF)
1,2cross LF over RF, 3/4 turn right(03.00)
3&4rock LF to left side, recover RF, hitch L knee
5&6step LF behind RF, step RF to right side, cross LF over RF
7,8Big step with RF to right, step LF beside RF(The weight on LF)

TAG 1-4 Hip bumps R-L
1&2touch R toe forward, hip bump(Right hip)
3&4touch L toe forward, hip bump (Left hip)

Dance and have fun:)

Therese Johnsson: - Email:

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