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One Last Love

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Steve Rutter (UK) & Jef Camps (BEL) - August 2017
One Last Time - Ariana Grande : (Album: My Everything, Deluxe or Single)
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(16 Count Intro’ – 8 Secs).

Section 1 – Step Forward, Left Lock Step, Forward Rock, Walk Back, Toe Touch.
1Step forward on right.
2&3Step forward on Left, lock right behind left, step forward on left.
4-5Rock forward on right, recover weight onto left.
6-7Step back on right, step back on left
8Touch right toe to right side (12 o’clock)

Section 2 – Cross, Hold (With Finger Snaps), Side Step, Toe Touch, Hold (With Finger Snaps), Ball Cross, ½ Hinge Turn Left, Cross.
1-2Cross right over left, Hold and snap fingers on both hands at chest height.
&3Step left a small step to left side, touch right toe beside left.
4Hold and snap fingers on both hands at chest height.
&5Step weight down onto right, cross left over right
6-7Make a quarter turn left stepping back on right, make a quarter turn left stepping left to left side
8Cross right over left (6 o’clock)

Section 3 – Side Rock, Crossing Shuffle, Side Rock, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn Left.
1-2Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right.
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
5-6Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left.
7-8Cross right behind left, make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left (3 o’clock)

Section 4 – Forward Rock, Step Back (Opening Body Out), Toe Touch, Heel Grind, Coaster Step.
1-2Rock forward on right, recover weight onto left
3-4Step back on right opening body out to right diagonal (right foot will be stepped back with toes facing right diagonal), touch left toe beside right (bending left knee slightly)
5-6Grind left heel forward (taking weight), replace weight onto right.
7&8Step back on left, close right beside left, step forward on left.

Ending: On The Last Step Of The Dance (Coaster Step) when the music finishes take both hands together at chest height and make a heart shape, sending One Last Love to the people sadly affected in the terrorist attacks at Ariana’s Concert in Manchester, England (May 2017)


E-Mail Steve Rutter: Or Jef Camps:

Last Update - 4th August 2017
dancer33 August 2, 2017
Loving this ....the sentiment the dance the song great job Stephen and Jef

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